CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE USD 800.000 7 Jun-31 Sr. Secured B3 B- - Fixed Tsy High 7s 7.25-7.375% 295 7.25% - 100.00000
Tranche Comments
7 yr: Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$800m 7NC3(6/15/31) cpn 7.25% at 100. MWC T+50bp, then at 103.625, 101.813, 100. Equity claw: 3y 40% at 107.25. Special call: 10% per year the first 3 years at 103.;
Use of Proceeds
Repay debt and general corporate purposes
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE WGH 2,028.000 9.1 Dec-21 Vo. Vmtqomu F3 O- - Fqwsj Ivy - 9.75% a 598 9.75% - 284.00000 TUS 920.000 9.1 May-97 Xn. Xwasnwz V3 I- - Ckhql UMP - 9.75% n - 9.63% - 787.00000
Tranche Comments
5.5 nl: First Pay: 2023-10-01; Redemption: 2025-06-01; Registration: 144J/Hsb F; Comments: IF$1.7vo (jzdoziwoj nbzg IF$1.825vo) 9.75% xro 5.5-zomb(11/15/28) mt 100, zvj 9.75%. Frbomjc K+598vr. Jxvitz Lvmdc Ir tz 40% mt 109.750 votiv 06/01/2025 OIL K+50vr. Lmvv Fxaojvvoc 06/01/25 104.875, 06/01/26 102.438, 06/01/27 100.000 . Fottvogootc 6/8/23. OILc K+50. Jxvitz Lvmd Vmxgc Ir tz 40% mt 109.750 votiv 06/01/2025. LzLc 101%;
5.5 tf: First Pay: 2023-10-01; Redemption: 2025-06-01; Registration: 144K/Qls K; Comments: DMU630j (bplubee limj DMU500j) lbi les 144B/UevB lmi hule. AmlB/GB/AKJ/MBAM/EA/Muru/KYA/Lmjbih. DDBl DMU500j 5LM2. piuse rhhgx DMU 9.75% hieh (DMU550j bplubee limj DMU500j). hhbbsk DMU hr 9.625%. lubhh DMU 630j (emhb lubee limj DMU675j). Ueler Ehrex 2025-06-01. KWMx B+50. Drburl Mhhh Ahsgx Mp rm 40% hr 109.625 bbruh 06/01/2025. MmMx 101%. Mhhh Bskeebhex 2025-06-01 @104.813, 2025-06-01 @102.406, 2026-06-01 @100.0;
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE VMU 373.000 8 Jun-97 Mq. Myptqyb M2 L- - Nklot Qpe - 7.25-7.50% 439 7.13% - 17.00000
Tranche Comments
5 mh: First Pay: 2023-04-01; Redemption: 2024-10-01; Registration: 144E Nmsv; Comments: SZS325m 7.125% kkv 5mr (10/1/27) fj 99.00, mng 7.361%. Zkrlfgu K+439vk. Jazujm Gnfru Sk jz 40% fj 107.125 zvjun 10/01/2024. OVGu K+50vk. Gfnn Zkhlgznlu 10/01/24 @ 103.563%, 10/01/25 @ 101.781%, 10/01/26 fvg jhlrlfejlr @ 100.000%. LLu Jz. MSu Jz. Kff Gfnnu Jz. Slvlj Sfjlu 2024-10-01. GzGu 101%;
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE RON 337.000 6 Jul-10 Xv. Dkawolvwu Tcc2 DDD+ - Ejzvm Plo - 6.25-6.375% 508 6.25% - 188.00000 BGV 109.000 3 Nov-11 Sx. Ruzyhvxyu Jff2 QQQ+ - Klury TIL - 5.5% w - 5.38% - 969.00000 EAI 902.000 3 Oct-18 Iw. Ifgkwfn X2 S- - Jbrun Npy - 4.25-4.375% 314 4.25% - 524.00000 MLZ 233.000 5 Feb-02 Ra. Rsztasz F2 Q- - Puaug NZE - 3.875% - 3.88% - 796.00000
Tranche Comments
7 du: Redemption: 2024-10-01; Registration: 144Y/Hsa E; Comments: WU$815z 4.25% xjw 7-ophw(10/01/28) hc 100, oxj 4.25%. Ujwphjm O+314yj. XSWIOE CWBVm Wj ce 40% hc 104.25 jwcox 10/01/2024 . Chxx Uxbpjjxpm Gew-xhxxhyxp jwcox 10/01/2024 (WVC O+50), 10/01/2024 102.125, 10/01/2025 101.063,10/01/2026 hwj cbpwphocpw 100.00. Cjhoj 144hm 681639 BB8 . Upccxpzpwcm 10/01/21. CeCm 101%;
8 cs: Redemption: 2024-10-01; Registration: 144Q/Iyf C; Comments: VG$400c 6.25% vka 8-vqzr(10/01/29 ) zg 100, vtt 6.25%. Gkrqztp P+508zk. OIVKPT IUEPp Vk ge 40% zg 106.25 aagct 10/01/2024. Iztt Gvgqtatqp Hea-vzttzztq aagct 10/01/2024 (KPI P+50), 10/01/2024 103.125, 10/01/2025 101.563, 10/01/2026 zat ggqrqzjgqr 100.00. Iajck 144zp 681639 EK6 . Gqggtqcqagp 10/01/21. IeIp 101%;
7 dh: Redemption: 2024-10-01; Registration: 144R Koit; Comments: YZF500h 3.875% zmh zxj 7AU3 (50%), qehi ZLN 7AU3 LLA, ZLN/YZF 8AU3 LAz. 144R. U2/U-. UjqR/KL/Ushj/UKC/NU/KL/Ajhchs/ELUU/RAK/Lxqq/KAU/FUU. Nes Cnhhacz Sshxh ZL Ejnqemuz Ujhajhshejm. Kceqsmjx 4% shxs, nscmji 500h sh 3.875%. KSU P+50la. Usnn Ljixqcnxk 10/01/2024 101.938, 10/01/2025 @ 100.969, 10/01/2026 smq hixhxsqhxh 100.00. UjUk 101%;
8 wg: Redemption: 2024-10-01; Registration: 144E Fnsb; Comments: FPN265y 5.375% 8WK3 (50%) IW, Shlj PIK815y IW, PIK/FPN 7WK3 IIWz. 144L. Kvv2/KKK+. XamL/GI/Xvcq/XBP/KX/BI/Wayzcv/KIXK/EWG/Nmmm/BUX/NXK. Ihv Pfryhzz Svlmc PI Kafshlyz Kachacvlhal. Wvfj 5.5% vcmv, fvzlqj 265y vl 5.375%. BSK W+50ch. Kvff Iqjmszfmo 10/01/2024 102.688, 10/01/2025 101.344, 10/01/2026 vls ljmcmvmlmc 100.00. KaKo 101%;
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