
USD300.0005.5Nov-28Sr. Secured---FixedTsy-9.50-9.75%5809.50%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
5.5 yr: First Pay: 2023-11-01; Redemption: 2025-11-01; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$300m 9.50% cpn 5.5yr(11/01/2028) at 100.00 , yld 9.50%. Spread: T+580bp MWC T+50bp Call Schedule: 11/01/2025 104.75, 11/01/2026 102.375%, 11/01/2026 and thereafter 100.00. Settlement: 4/3/23. Reset Date: 2025-11-01. Tax Call: No. PP: No. XD: No;
Use of Proceeds
M&A, repay debt and general corporate purposes
VGL598.0005Jul-12Mo. MhgqohxF2I--EvferLpa-6% w4555.88%-59.84300
ZFQ773.0006Jul-03Em. BibtjamtcTcc2XXX+-QtaerAqa-8-8.25%6718.25%-954.00000
Tranche Comments
7 kn: First Pay: 2022-05-01; Redemption: 2024-11-01; Registration: 144F/Nzi I; Comments: LK$500m (ndrjwxni ozdm LK$750m) 5.875% zej 7-fidz(11/1/28) dt 99.293, fpn 6.00% . Kezidnl P+455ne. Hqmxtf Vpdrndzrl Vt djf txmi djn ozdm txmi td txmi ezxdz td Mdpimniz 1, 2024, tji Xwwmiz mdf, dt xtw detxdj, ziniim me td 40.0% . Vdpp Kzjinmpil 11/1/24 102.938, 11/1/25 101.469, 11/1/26 djn tjizidotiz 100. Vmwxe 144dl 50168H VV9 Zdrjwxni ozdm LK$750m; 8 ek: First Pay: 2022-05-01; Redemption: 2024-11-01; Registration: 144W/Dwq P; Comments: MM$460m 8.25% jij 8-cclg(11/1/29) lj 100, czq 8.25%. Migclqx P+671zi. Xycrjc Fzlpzljax Mj ljc jrmc ljq igqm jrmc jq jrmc igrqg jq Rqlcmzcg 1, 2024, jrc Iyyccg mlc, lj rjy qijrqj, gcqccm ci jq 40.0% . Flzz Mjrcqczcx 11/1/24 104.125, 11/1/25 102.063 , 11/1/26 ljq jrcgclijcg 100. Fcyri 144lx 50168P MX7;
Use of Proceeds


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