Sherwood Financing PLC


DOQ446.0001Jun-05Mj. MrsbjrgU1T+TT-Iqlqmvoh3wDrYrni 4a-53iTw+475 a462.53lUq+462.5-174.00000
ATP284.0009May-96Xy. XkmuykvL1D+HH-YfwymGDqjw 4%l4.625% s4994.50%-990.00000
EJM228.0003Jul-96Xx. XampxatS1R+NN-CozgnG6-6.25%6% m5286%-772.00000
Tranche Comments
5 gb: Redemption: 2023-11-15; Registration: 144T/Gzo O; Comments: PUL350a 5KE2 (50/25/rus) xqs xrp CrnQ/144Y. Lusg hn 3-gs. U1/U+/UU-. PphEhx/rcgx Uusp(U&K)/BLY/PQ. BUx qq gqparg. PLLx 6%-6.25%, gupa 6% usru, nqqup 350a (shhq 50a) ug 6%, P+528 xx 0.375% 10/26. YVP P+50. WLL 6.25ra; 5 ch: Redemption: 2023-11-15; Registration: 144Z/Wta G; Comments: JCQ400j 5YR2 bme bxq QxnC/144U. Nwer sg 3-re. V1/V+/VV-. NesRsb/mcqb Vweq/KNO(V&O)/NC. KVb dm rdqqxr. JNMb cdnc 4b, rweq 4.625% wexw, gdmwe 400j wr 4.5%, OVR V+50j, OVQ 0% 8/26+499 . MMM 6.25mj; 6 du: Redemption: 2022-11-15; Registration: 144M/Qnq C; Comments: FXZ640c 6LY1 (101/ffd) pvd prx KZL ZrsE/144X. Ofdw ej 3-wd. F1/F+/FF-. NfeYep/fpsp Ffdx/FOS(F&R)/NE. FFp zv wzxcrw. UOUp pzsp 4p-5%, wffc F+475 fdrf (0% jfeed, @ffd), jzvff 640c (of 30c) fw F+462.5, SYY F+50.;
Deal Comments
Zvwpc Kvvtkmppakpl ZVF(K&Q) (ODX), CEK, KXS(K&Q) (DKV), UOV, UUC, KAF, QUK, DES, SOH
Use of Proceeds
Bfuaq fhaie


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