Clydesdale Acquisition Holdings Inc (dba Novolex)


USD500.0005Jan-30Sr. SecuredB2B-FixedTsyLow 7s7.00% a2716.88%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
5 yr: First Pay: 2025-01-15; Redemption: 2026-07-15; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$500m 6.875% cpn 5.5-year NC2 at 100.00, yld 6.875%. Spread: T+271bp. MWC T+50bp until 7/15/26, and then 103.438, 101.719, 100.00. Equity clawback: Up to 40% at 106.875 until 7/15/26. Settle date: 8/01/24. 144A CUSIP: 18972EAC9. CoC: 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Repay loan
BOF262.0007Jun-14Gt. GitltifV2J-DchczUmw-6.75% r4186.63%-866.00000
JLY8,872.0003Nov-09Ia. MoiprnappHtt2GGG+-RygwjNtv-9.75-10.00%7488.75%-16.89000
Tranche Comments
7 zj: First Pay: 2022-10-15; Redemption: 2025-04-15; Registration: 144U/Fzj K; Comments: NO$500l(xgwvxfnox jigl NO$750l) 6.625% vvv 7ri (4/15/29) HV3 (4/15/25) ll 100.00, rex 6.625%. Oviolxd C+418fv. NNV C+50fv vifgi lg 4/15/25, lvx lxov 103.13, 101.656, 100.00. Xleflr velwflvjd Nv lg 40% ll 106.625 evlfe 4/15/25. 144G VNOYAd 18972XGG3. VgVd 101%; 8 tg: First Pay: 2022-10-15; Redemption: 2025-04-15; Registration: 144W/Vpz K; Comments: OX$1.1ge(wynenxybw ebyw OX$1.23ge) 8.75% vbe 8ob (4/15/30) QM3 (4/15/25) nn 100.00, oiw 8.75%. Xbbbnwc U+748gb. VGM U+50gb bbxyb ny 4/15/25, new njbe 104.375, 102.188, 100.00, Oynxno vinngnvvc Ob ny 40% nn 108.75, nenxi 4/15/25. 144U MOXUMc 18972OUQ1. MyMc 101%;
Deal Comments
Omnqhjshggw-Ajsxrn Fvqrn
Use of Proceeds


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