Assemblin Caverion Group AB


EUR780.0006Jul-30Sr. SecuredB2BBFixedTsy7.00% a6.25-6.50%4056.25%-100.00000
EUR500.0007Jul-31Sr. SecuredB2BBFloating3mEu3mEu+Low 400s3mEu+350-3753503mEu+350-100.00000
Tranche Comments
6 yr: Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: EUR780m (upsized from EUR400m) 6NC2(7/01/30) cpn 6.25% at 100. Spread: T+405bps. MWC B+50bp, then at 103.125, 101.5625, 100. Equity claw: 2y 40% at 106.25. Special call: 10% per year the first 2 years at 103; 7 yr: Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: EUR500m (upsized from EUR400m) 7NC1(7/01/31) cpn FRN 3mEu+350 at 100. MWC B+50bp, then at 100;
Deal Comments
Joint Bookrunners: JPM(B&D) (7yr), DEU(B&D) (6yr), DAN, DNB, NRD, SEB, SWD
Use of Proceeds
Repay debt


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