RLGH Finance Bermuda Ltd


USD500.0007Jul-31SubordinatedBaa3-BB+Fixed-8.375% a--8.25%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
7 yr: Book size: 1050; First Pay: 2025-01-17; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: USD500m 7yr bmk Tier 2 RegS. Baa3/NR/BB+. Barc/Citi(B&D)/Miz/MS/NatWest/WFS. IPTs 8.375% area for exp 500m, launch 500m at 8.25%. Final books subj 1.05bn+ (peak 1.2bn+). FTT 3.25pm. Par Call: 3m. Cleanup Call: 75%. Tax Call: Yes. Regulatory Call: yes, Capital Disqualification Event. MWC: T+50bps. LEI: 549300JARQYXR76TRX40. Distribution Stats: AM 78%, HF 12%, banks/PBs 5%, other 5%. UK 81%, APAC 9%, Europe 7%, Middle East 3%;
Deal Comments
Tier 2
Resolution Life Group Holdings Ltd


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