South Bow Canadian Infrastructure Holdings Ltd


JHT740.0005Mar-08Wk. NlzhsjkhfXgg3NNN-BBB-GmaxsRhuL+150 u-1154.91%7696.00000
IRB945.00020Dec-44Nq. LfkxkxqxmJdd3PPP-QQQ-EtoiuWgfT+240 l-2056.18%872.89000
IIP2,431.00043Sep-11Yq. WzzhheqhbXff3PPP-KKK-VyifyXfbT+205 f-1755.58%7294.00000
XOD7,464.0001Jan-09Il. SwplphllpLqq3III-LLL-SfybwTaiY+170 a-1355.03%748.83800
Tranche Comments
3 we: Book size: 6790; Registration: 144Z/Gfr O; Comments: EJ$700k 4.911% vpn 3ij (9/1/27) vc 100.00, ing 4.911%. Jpjjvgr E+115vp. MME E+20vp. Fvj Evnnr 1k; 5 yf: Book size: 3492; Registration: 144J/Yam P; Comments: QH$1jf 5.026% ccf 5wv (10/01/29) oa 99.993, wtx 5.026%. Hcvloxn E+135jc. AXH E+25jc. Zov Hottn 1n; 10 ql: Book size: 2751; Registration: 144L/Fze T; Comments: OJ$1.25gk 5.584% wek 10bk (10/01/34) sx 100.00, bjk 5.584%. Jekpskv D+175ge. GRV D+30ge. Lsk Vsjjv 3e; 30 we: Book size: 9400; Registration: 144E/Oiq U; Comments: QI$700k 6.176% iwm 30xc (10/01/54) ur 99.99, xup 6.176%. Iwcdups T+205pw. XVW T+35pw. Huc Wuuus 6k;
Use of Proceeds
Ijnuk gaujanjuajjj
FUT640.00053.8Feb-39Hq. ZpfrqdjyirudPz1KKCCZirgmShq8.00% j-366.77.50%-90.14600
OLC658.00083.3Oct-41Ir. PmwbrpbsrjzpEe1AALLIokeaCsd8.125 % t-394.97.63%-79.28600
Tranche Comments
30.5 oi: First Pay: 2025-03-01; Redemption: 2030-03-01; Registration: 144Q/Mky L; Comments: VB$450g 7.625% fzi 30.5-khvu NL5.25 (3/1/55) vt 99.928, kxm 7.631%. Bzuhvmc Z+394.9bz. LrLc 101%. Ghsht Lvthc 3/1/2030; 30.5 eo: First Pay: 2025-03-01; Redemption: 2035-03-01; Registration: 144G/Jnj E; Comments: FO$650v 7.50% jws 30.5-vknw DS10.25 (3/1/55) nz 99.927 , vjv 7.506%. Owwknvm R+366.7sw. SsSm 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Mgorq egcc


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