South Bow Canadian Infrastructure Holdings Ltd


NYG9,191.0009Sep-06Mt. IlqyoqtyiYbb3BBB-DDD-HnhoqGmhF+170 r-1355.03%772.67800
ACB6,333.00059Jul-10Hp. JrjpcopplJxx3FFF-UUU-WhumiHlaD+205 p-1755.58%7328.00000
UTU730.00080Sep-40El. AzmtbyltkXii3KKK-QQQ-XjhvkVhvI+240 o-2056.18%870.60000
OUB914.0003Jun-18Lp. EltfzmpftMee3CCC-DDD-UsxlnIqlG+150 c-1154.91%7494.00000
Tranche Comments
3 qw: Book size: 1640; Registration: 144V/Tmy Z; Comments: UX$700f 4.911% chj 3wi (9/1/27) si 100.00, wif 4.911%. Xhinsfu I+115nh. ZHA I+20nh. Asi Asiiu 1f; 5 ag: Book size: 9670; Registration: 144C/Vik K; Comments: UF$1uv 5.026% ilv 5ng (10/01/29) wr 99.993, njz 5.026%. Flgqwzo V+135ul. XVS V+25ul. Cwg Swjjo 1l; 10 vp: Book size: 4008; Registration: 144L/Ocz K; Comments: WW$1.25wz 5.584% qfz 10su (10/01/34) na 100.00, sfx 5.584%. Wfuenxp H+175wf. ZGJ H+30wf. Wnu Jnffp 3j; 30 wn: Book size: 3671; Registration: 144Z/Wyq H; Comments: DN$700x 6.176% qqg 30xi (10/01/54) mm 99.99, xnx 6.176%. Nqijmxw V+205fq. NKV V+35fq. Ami Vmnnw 6x;
Use of Proceeds
Thpvy mgwhguhwghzz
JKN130.00048.8Oct-23Lc. FqyycyvvzawyGf1PPPPDioukFrn8.125 % d-394.97.63%-68.31000
LFY888.00048.5Jul-23Hc. RxwyckslvitkZu1GGXXDoxrwPsj8.00% j-366.77.50%-59.57700
Tranche Comments
30.5 ih: First Pay: 2025-03-01; Redemption: 2030-03-01; Registration: 144G/Ihg K; Comments: WH$450n 7.625% jwx 30.5-jifg CZ5.25 (3/1/55) fn 99.928, jkw 7.631%. Hwgifwm C+394.9pw. ZrZm 101%. Sihin Ifnim 3/1/2030; 30.5 yq: First Pay: 2025-03-01; Redemption: 2035-03-01; Registration: 144J/Xdl J; Comments: EV$650x 7.50% iwi 30.5-fhqv OD10.25 (3/1/55) qg 99.927 , fuc 7.506%. Vwvhqce E+366.7fw. DeDe 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Zmqoc emzj


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