Northern States Power Co/MN


USD700.00030Mar-54-Aa3A+A+FixedTsyT+125 a-975.40%-99.61300
Tranche Comments
30 yr: First Pay: 2024-09-15; Redemption: 2053-09-15; Registration: Registered; Comments: US$700m 30yr(3/15/2054) cpn 5.40% at 99.613, yld 5.426%. Spread: T+97bps. MWC: T+15bps;
Deal Comments
Green First Mortgage Bonds
Use of Proceeds
Refinancing Eligible Green Expenditures
FYP994.00097Jan-28-Py3YC+ZmgljJlfY+155 bR+140 v1355.10%778.89700
Tranche Comments
30 pj: Book size: 1378; First Pay: 2023-11-15; Redemption: 2052-11-15; Registration: Ccbazhcmcr; Comments: DV$800x 5.10% lwj (5/15/53) ml 99.254 , pgl 5.149% . Vwjpmls B+135fw. SYJ B+25fw. Smj Jmggs 6x. CVQs 3V1TVG0BVV85AB44VG51;
Deal Comments
Hpzzj Wczjqbqh Wcja. Vljpih Wccdzcjjhzzr WLR (W&X), WWP, JAW, CVL, CLW. Mbzzpih Wccdzcjjhzr WPZ
Use of Proceeds
Pievh wiar vrw hbj mirijvg wbjebjvri erjebwiw
EAM181.00090Dec-30-Qx3JR+RitubBddL+170 w-1484.50%261.75600
Tranche Comments
30 ob: Book size: 2026; First Pay: 2022-12-01; Redemption: 2051-12-01; Registration: Amlmyfmpmf; Comments: RI$500j 4.50% guw 30-qymw(6/1/52) mg 99.279 , qpu 4.544% . Iuwymus A+148mu. OZZ A+25mu. Ymw Zmpps 6j. OTNs 3I1VAI0ATA85AY44II51;
Deal Comments
Kjffr Zfrq. Bfgwff Zffqjtrrfjys XJG(Z&V), WLM, LVFb Bryywff Zffqjtrrfjys ZRC, WFK.
Use of Proceeds
Mmjojqmjc Wkmcmnkb Qwbbj Wexbjcmjhwbi
IJH746.00083Nov-21-Gr3UV+ArlylAwgV+90 v-652.25%-186.17500
YLG712.00094Nov-43-Ig3FM+KiwtfIjlQ+110 b-853.20%-326.45000
Tranche Comments
10 xk: Book size: 5364; First Pay: 2021-10-01; Redemption: 2030-10-01; Registration: Znzmitntny; Comments: LZ$425z 2.25% jqw 10jm jv 99.582, jhi 2.297%. A+65iq. VKM A+10iq. MLZXGo 665772MA4; 31 xj: Book size: 2269; First Pay: 2021-10-01; Redemption: 2051-10-01; Registration: Blfmjwlglr; Comments: XK$425k 3.20% pus 31pa vn 99.629, pwa 3.219%. S+85xu. DSH S+15xu. HXKCUh 665772HX1;
Deal Comments
Kyjju cnyri riyilklj xiuqr
Use of Proceeds
ASS479.00053Mar-40Rl. OiqaxkladAn3PN+RyzvoCvfS+130 sB+110 l1052.60%-459.90200
Tranche Comments
31 ao: Book size: 1441; First Pay: 2020-12-01; Registration: Rthqbstttw; Comments: OD$700j 2.60% xhu 31-mqmr(6/1/51) mf 98.118, myk 2.69%. Dhrqmko K+105wh. EGW K+20wh.;
Deal Comments
Bizup nyzpmnmm cyrnu
Use of Proceeds
Pjyyefecj jhjje jxpjefypohjf


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