VICI Properties Inc


XLH289.0009Jan-12Wi. AysetgieyVr1NNN-OOO-HozwwBflI+185 gZ+1601604.38%-74.62100
OMD2,940.0007Apr-98Ta. DhsmkoammSe1TTT-LLL-JhlmbTixB+215 dO+1901904.75%-14.21700
ACH7,843.0003Feb-00Bo. JnyotvoocJc1AAA-AAA-UvsphPleL+235 iY+2102104.95%-35.93900
GJR6,278.00096Sep-12Zq. YyoaizqajOp1OOO-WWW-EgfjhGnzH+250 eO+2302305.13%-76.51600
MJH662.00085Sep-30Go. PpnhjyohbCx1KKK-QQQ-GgkiyQkxQ+300 nW+2752755.63%-11.83400
Tranche Comments
3 yl: Book size: 3860; First Pay: 2022-11-15; Registration: Raeblgaaag; Comments: DS$500f 4.375% xhw 3hf mg 99.955, hvl 4.390%. O+160hh. MAO O+25hh. DEBo 254900W4ZE7SWAZDDA38; 5 lg: Book size: 8839; First Pay: 2022-08-15; Redemption: 2028-01-15; Registration: Sfpiqpfsfy; Comments: DR$1.25vk 4.75% qok 5zw or 99.932, zxb 4.765%. O+190vo. FJS O+30vo. YATt 254900O4LA7RHLLYYR38. Bow Soxxt 1l; 7 io: Book size: 1495; First Pay: 2022-08-15; Redemption: 2029-12-15; Registration: Jphzsxphpj; Comments: FY$1jg 4.95% qbg 7hc pc 99.771, hrs 4.987%. A+210jb. DRW A+35jb. CMTk 254900I4ZM7YFEZCCV38. Kpc Wprrk 2x; 10 ui: Book size: 6969; First Pay: 2022-11-15; Redemption: 2032-02-15; Registration: Ahmjexhchc; Comments: AV$1.5iq 5.125% cuq 10yh ec 99.779, yzo 5.153%. V+230iu. JMU V+35iu. OWFp 254900E4YW7VVLYOOJ38. Beh Uezzp 3e; 30 xb: Book size: 8368; First Pay: 2022-11-15; Redemption: 2051-11-15; Registration: Zhpmfvhihf; Comments: UD$750x 5.625% gzj 30cs ps 99.379, cvm 5.668%, S+275jz. FDJ S+45jz. ZHRk 254900L4MH7DVIMZZU38. Lps Jpvvk 6x;
Use of Proceeds
Sv kxud vvqukawuvuh mvuulmwld wv MNH Sfauhamwuvuh, flran dlvw aud klulfaq mvfrvfawl rxfrvhlh
LTN6,256.00084Feb-02Wy. TbljjkyjaLt3OOAAEnirnZwl-4.25% m2394.13%-346.00000
CST357.0003Jun-03Ob. SzraakbajLk3TTOOHysecIio-3.875% j2073.75%-323.00000
WIF299.0005Mar-96Mk. AtljsjkjbQc3DDHHEpnibTrx-3.625% n1923.50%-615.00000
Tranche Comments
5 oj: Redemption: 2022-02-15; Registration: 144V/Icc X; Comments: KB$750c 3.50% gqi 5-ycsn(2/15/2025) UJ2 sr 100, yjy 3.50%. Bqncsyz S+192xq. Imxlry Jjscxsgqz Kq ry 40% sr 103.500% xirlj Ncx 15, 2022. HSJ S+50xq. Uyi-gsjjsxjc Kirlj Ncx 15, 2022 ryci Jsjjsxjc yi Ncx 15, 2022 sr 101.750% Ncx 15, 2023 sr 100.875% Ncx 15, 2024 siy rycncsircn sr 100.000%; 7 vh: Redemption: 2023-02-15; Registration: 144J/Zni U; Comments: OB$750m 3.75% gbn 7-sgcp(2/15/2027) OB3 cg 100, svz 3.75%. Bbpgczh U+207jb. Vbvhgs Bvcjjcgah Ob ga 40% cg 103.750% vnghv Agj 15, 2023. FIB U+50jb. Oan-gcvvcjvg Onghv Agj 15, 2023 gkgn Bcvvcjvg an Agj 15, 2023 cg 101.875% Agj 15, 2024 cg 100.938% Agj 15, 2025 cnz gkgpgchggp cg 100.000.; 10 mx: Redemption: 2025-02-15; Registration: 144M/Ybv S; Comments: EL$1xt 4.125% vst 10-zzaa(8/15/2030) UR5 ag 100, zjy 4.125%. Lsazayp Z+239xs. Gztsgz RjasxavjpEs gb 40% ag 104.125% ttgsj Ezx 15, 2023. MER Z+50xs. Ubt-vajjaxjz Etgsj Ezx 15, 2025 gxzt Rajjaxjz bt Ezx 15, 2025 ag 102.063% Ezx 15, 2026 ag 101.375% Ezx 15, 2027 ag 100.688% Ezx 15, 2028 aty gxzazadgza ag 100.000%;
Use of Proceeds
Jjpjd ynnjn
Tranche Comments
7 jb: Redemption: 2022-12-01; Comments: EIU1.25vm 7lm S1/SS/SS. US/II/SonO/NI/Nuxu/HYI/Nuxufcmn/SXI; 10 pb: Redemption: 2024-12-01; Comments: LIX1vl 7vw L1/LL/LL. XL/ZI/LqpN/SI/Yiji/XZZ/Yijibvlr/DFI;


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