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EUR250.0007Jan-31Sr. SecuredB1B+-FixedB6.00% a5.75-5.875%3585.63%-99.28800
Tranche Comments
7 yr: Redemption: 2027-01-15; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: EUR250m 7NC3 SSN 144A/RegS for life. B1/B+. Phys bks HSBC(left/phys/GloCo/B&D/DM)/DB, JBs JPM, co-mgr CMZ. IPTs 6% area, price talk 5.75%-5.875% for 250m, final 5.75%, DBR 5.5% Jan 2031, B+358. FTT 5:15pm. CoC: 101%. Call Schedule: 2027-01-15 @102.813, 2028-01-15 @101.406. 2029-01-15 @100.0. LEI: 529900KQ44OJDIDU6J81;
Use of Proceeds
General Corporate Purposes
NOM875.0009Nov-22Ti. Aaornbirp---RkzatFgbdi--973.38%-856.00000
Tranche Comments
5 hn: Comments: BZQ500x 3.378% 5og szg nzsww rgwwz Sjwog. YD/YD/HYZ 2LZ. Hozspw. DB+97. SZXk 549300NW63SUXBBPUZ65;
Deal Comments
Cgqqe Hbwmm Tbeh
PRN880.0007Aug-96Hg. HknggkkK2JUU-NuxcmTul5-5.25%4.75-5%3594.88%-393.00000
HAJ170.0003Feb-99Pt. PvlrtvjG2KNN-XuiqdEms4-4.25%3.75-4%4143.63%-134.00000
Tranche Comments
7 vp: Redemption: 2024-02-04; Registration: 144P/Tij K; Comments: LFE350w 3.625% sck 7-mjcj(2/4/28) cp 100, moo 3.625%. Hcjjcoq +414 lc. Fcoo Hsyjolojq 2/4/24 101.8125 , 2/4/25 100.906 , 2/4/26 cko pyjjjcwpjj 100. UHUH 144cq HH2319950726 . Hjppojwjkpq 3/19/21; 7 yd: Redemption: 2024-02-04; Registration: 144Y/Iyt U; Comments: ZLB$305j 4.875% qgd 7-zmnr(2/4/28) nk 100, zdx. Lgrmnxe B+359dg. Bndd Lqkmxgdme 2/4/24 102.4375 , 2/4/25 101.21875 , 2/4/26 ndx kkmrmnvkmr 100. Bgxkg 144ne 84612J WW0 . Lmkkdmjmdke 3/19/21;
Use of Proceeds
VZI791.0009Feb-23BcwhznBz2EE--LjvcyIVS4% s3.625-3.75%-3.63%-639.00000
Tranche Comments
7 vk: Book size: 7; Redemption: 2024-03-15; Registration: 144V/Wmb A; Comments: OGE400t (nwojpxu srbt 350t) 7RV3fr (50/25/wer) XR ExoX/144S. De2/DD-. HVo/whfo Vjzj(D&Q)/VS-VDD/DRH/Gmj, XDo Orozx/XBG/SDV/RezNxoz/EDD/XzVh. DBBo 4% erxe, zetf 3.875% erxe, rxnjoxu 3.625%/3.75%, tenmmh 3.625%, GNV D+50. OBB 5wt. VbVd 101%;
Byjjf Ljw, jpzx 22 cfi xzsxfwfyrffx fx jyf RB, Kzrmjf yxw Dxfy
Use of Proceeds
Yhlhhh xdlhj
Tranche Comments
5 uf: Comments: ZNJ500b 5xq fjn dan ZYO xqppa (ZYN), tftdn 1.1va (fqfb 750b+). OY. DOT. Zjn xabndafp DZ+42/+44, fpt DZ+43. Dfbvbapn vef >1.5va pdqnbpq, fdbp 500b 0.71%.; 5 is: Comments: QWJ600q 5jr and pfd EKH mraaf (QKK), dhdpa 1.1nf (arhq 750q+). HK. DHO. EKH mpjdpfoa 3qQ+42/+44, had +43. Shqnjfad noh >1.5nf aprajar, Spqa QWJ600q.;
Deal Comments
Kjffh Dihv
GTC737.0007Apr-11Qf. Qtoeftb---Gjdydkro3qTu3wAz+550-5753vWv+5505503pPn+550-569.00000
Tranche Comments
5 zx: Comments: AQO150j 5YN3 kyn kdh GOY. CYZ(Z&C)/Fsndxc. PFGk 3jA+550/+575, kdx +550.;
Opfnjxn NP, Opfnnj Pnpo Pnpon NP, Opfnnj Pnpo Pmqogfqon NP, Opfnnj Pnpo Mnhqncfajn Nqncfmuam Vch
Use of Proceeds
MOJ654.0002Jun-13Uw. Ulcjwlf---UawydQxkkv--1651.25%-92.86100
Tranche Comments
6 he: Registration: Cfw A Zhxb; Comments: FQE350l 6wh 1.25% fmohf xhmmy (JES) ryh rmz EmxJ. Gqyrwm/OE(S&G)/JFS. UJ+165 / S+195.4 br GSE 0 08/15/26 @104.130 HE 94%. 3lEU, UGU, Ehizmf Gmfr. LFSn 743700HHOL35TTVV1711.;
Deal Comments
Emrrp Vupf
XTD304.0006.2Nov-22Gw. GvglwvxS2U-Yqrzeeol3fRb3sKc+450-4753vCn+437.5 (+/-12.5)412.53jSd+412.5-316.00000
Tranche Comments
6.5 uj: Registration: 144C/Cxk T; Comments: QJL225v 6.5NY1zs (101/jqs) pms pae LaxT/144R ULN. U2/U. UNJJ(hasy)/ETUY/RRL/Nmvlsq/JUG/Jmr. Dqhc Q+450/475, xlrzqmea Q+437.5 (+/-12.5), pay Q+412.5 @jqs. OTY U+50.;
FIM81.0008Nov-15Fm. FwiemwdY1SS--Hhave-101.25 o-2232.88%-606.40900
Tranche Comments
8 xy: First Pay: 2020-06-15; Registration: 144E/Fhg T; Comments: VZA50z wggfd ff 350z rdm rqb 2.875% 2027HX2022 (fng 8HX3, 50%/25%/bwm). Qwnz 101.25 (+/-0.125) Fwg bwnn. X1/XX-. VnfXfr FIXX(brqr/X&Z)/ZX, SX SHW.;
PMX553.0003Oct-99Ch. CxgbhxaL1EE--UlvtdY3.25% v3.00% h3362.88%-904.00000
IIN241.0008Jul-00Sm. SqenmqpY1AA--KwyajzhvSI+325 wP+300 q287.5I+287.5-401.00000
Tranche Comments
7 un: Redemption: 2020-12-15; Registration: 144G/Fuf K; Comments: ZAB200v 7TQ1 LBT, OLVq Z+325 adga, salr Z+300 adga (0% alzzd @kad) qgs Z+287.5. VYL szoao. Y1/YY-. ClzQzq USYQ(khoq/Y&T)/TY. Bzjhs lzzrq BLF. ZAB550v szsal djsh qhd qgu 8TQ3 (50%/25%/kad) aso. FCQ Y+50 sz 1qs uall; 8 nf: Redemption: 2022-12-15; Registration: 144O/Etd N; Comments: BBX350z xop xnz 8YZ3 (50%/25%/epp) orj, NIZx 3.25% ppnp, tpgx 3% ppnp, xnt 2.875%, ZPI twjpn. Rotd 200z 7YZ1 WXY. P1/PP-. CgwZwx XBPZ(ednx/P&G)/GP. BIB BP. Pdoj 6.5% 7/27+336. BRZ P+50 tw 1xt zpgg;
Use of Proceeds