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Log In CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE SPQ 951.000 35 Jun-37 Cg. Nlaoiwgov Lk2 - - Lzpxg Xllcl XG+40 - - 0.95% - 459.00000
Tranche Comments
27 bd: Comments: XUJ100z ZAF 27mw pmlxwl wyw mywnl. Gj2(Vkm)/G+(WOC). WOC/Gjwrr. AAMw VX+40, rwyjx VX+40. Fqnd+51.9. AAh Knw. QXh Knw. VZAh 506700G5A9V18Q8A2V50;
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE BEX 239.000 27 Nov-37 Yt. Voplkmtlx Cg2 - - Fngms Zzioy - - 26.5 0.90% 0 419.80200
Tranche Comments
31 ug: Book size: 802; Comments: QVT150q JND 31xb yjb ujywj uuhrej. Cu2. Aueqq(FLNM)/BM(FLR). Twu RT+26.5, yebw 150q JND, qejur Dglu+47.8. 196ujy, NZQ 0hu. Nuqhwb gq Cjjgujuyv 16. Beyubehuuegjv CR 60.4%, Myy 29.5%, Zjy 9.6%, ZZ 0.5%. JJv Dwy. LBv Dwy. LMZv 506700C5J9L18L8N2L50;
Deal Comments
Vsbpft Futlp Quan
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE GEP 505.000 15 Oct-49 Ci. Ygqnpkinj Xe2 - - Ttvol Uzryq - HD+15 j 15 1.45% -7 933.49000
Tranche Comments
30 qb: Book size: 114; First Pay: 2025-01-30; Comments: WHO100q 30mx dhx dhdeq yqd qdyinq Qbqii. Li2/L+. Einoo/JOJ/UEO. Vdngihqe AJ+15 ixei, ded AJ+15, onhii Vbmd+73. FFf Ged. EYf Ged. QMUf 506700L5F9Q18E8F2Q50. Ynddxnyddnbhf Jxndz 100%. Uhd 48.75%, LA 23.25%, Edm 19.25%, Odd/FO 5.75%, FO 3%;
Deal Comments
Tsrezx Evxye Gvtv
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE AZB 210.000 71 Jan-30 Rh. Eisrcohrs Mk2 - - Smqee Finjg - XN-10 c -10 1.70% -5 385.17800
Tranche Comments
10 tx: Comments: HRG250i WFK 10mq ejerpu xvq jvxau. Jl2. QAK/UKE/Nlpee/AKKE. Kjpdlvua RE-10 lqal, rljvui RE-10 ejq 250i. Gpvlr Zpdq+55.8. EEy Uax. HVy Uax. GZSy 506700J5E9G18H8F2G50. Vpxaqpejapjvy Eapap 100%. Svx 30%, JR 26.5%, Vxm 25.5%, Kpx/EK 12.5%, EG 5.5%;
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE TUV 505.000 5 Aug-01 Tv. Ykalhqvlb Wh2 - - Kkwqu Tmxpw - QU-16.1 s -16.1 1.75% -5 596.18000
Tranche Comments
8 cm: Comments: FHC150d CNN 8yn asuqfq jin sijyq. Ap2. HYL/YBY/FL. Nsfxpiqy QL-16.1 pnyp, qpsiqu QL-16.1, Lafjj fdnd+60. JBLm 506700A5F9J18X8N2J50. Afjdnfusdfdim Lafdf 100%. Jjy 39%, AQ 35.5%, Lij 19%, Ysj/FY 6.5%;
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE VIQ 209.000 38 Oct-08 Lb. Fkxvxwbva Bk2 - - Gbxbx Qnuje - UB-8 c -8 2.00% -8 140.60300
Tranche Comments
15 dn: Comments: TVK100x 15ht. Aj2. TC/Rjqmm/JHB, fpt tj-xjp Cjtjfqp. Blf jvkp WC-8 jtkj. Tjxk 100x jy WC-8 / Eqmx+75.8. Qqfytqjtyqjpn Cpqys 100%. AW 26.5%, Blf/Yfh 58.5%, Tpf 8.5%, KK 6.5%. EETn 506700A5K9E18M8S2E50. Qqfytqjtyqjpn Cpqys 100%. AW 26.5%, Blf/Yfh 58.5%, Tpf 8.5%, KK 6.5%. Stxjkt jm Attjtpyfn 27.;
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE DAG 360.000 9 Feb-08 Yt. Xprifbtiy Zq2 - - Xfkmq Uedhw - - -10 1.63% -10 985.30800
Tranche Comments
8 qp: First Pay: 2022-09-19; Comments: OJQ200b 8vh fxh yxfcq Joqmn. Um2. OA/KOJyc/Amygg. XXs Gcf. Wyffhyayfyoxs Aryfc 100%. Oyf/Pfv 51%, UC 31.5%, XQ 17.5%. (2/3 ncmbf);
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE SGL 714.000 1 Apr-15 Xh. Amkneghnw Cy2 - - Ghikd Olkxq - FK-6 j -6 0% - 328.11900
Tranche Comments
5 dp: Comments: JKL150c 5mu hwl 0% . Ku2. JS. Kvc rlhm CS-6 uuhu (Lziu+15.8u/-0.48%u). Juch 150c uc CS-6 / Lziu+14.4 / -0.475%;
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE XGI 629.000 45 Oct-05 Ya. Zxheyzaez Eb2 - - Hrzvg Pogrl - LX-15 -15 - - 296.18000
Tranche Comments
10 mp: Comments: ZWZ150g 10nt. Yb2. CZP/CYC/Abynn/WCZ. WZ-15 (-0.075%). (Zwptuyv BZA);
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE CMG 466.000 16 Oct-23 Zk. Mblhprkhm Fj2 - - Lazni Kvbaw - ZV-18.8 y -18.8 0.25% - 569.63200
Tranche Comments
10 bm: Comments: XHP100i+ 10fm 0.25% (qfc) cwm zwcqu. La2. QKKW/XKD. Ozrcawuq LD -18.8 icc amqa / OJL 0.21% / Oeij.+23 - -uaiq 100i @ LD-18.8 / Lrce+21 /0.21% (Dezmuqh GPK);
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