Fnac Darty SA


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EUR300.0005May-24Sr. UnsecuredBa2BB+-FixedBLow to Mid 2s2.125% a2341.88%-100.00000
EUR350.0007May-26Sr. UnsecuredBa2BB+-FixedBLow 3s2.875% a2932.63%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
5 yr: First Pay: 2019-11-30; Redemption: 2021-05-30; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: EUR300m 5NC2 snr RegS. With 350m 7NC3. Ba2/BB+. GloCos BNPP/CA-CIB(B&D)/Natx. JB SG. IPTs low/mid 2s, talk 2.125% area (+/-12.5bp), revised 1.875%/2% (wpir). DBR 1.75% Feb 2024 +234bp; 7 yr: First Pay: 2019-11-30; Redemption: 2022-05-30; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: EUR350m 7NC3 snr RegS. With 300m 5NC2. Ba2/BB+. GloCos BNPP/CA-CIB(B&D)/Natx. JB SG. IPTs low 3s, talk 2.875% area (+/-12.5bp), tbp 2.625%. DBR 0.5% Feb 2026 +293bp;
Use of Proceeds
Repay notes
TQP943.0003Sep-96DjlulzXq2DD-IcbklMmn-3.375% c3653.25%-991.00000
Tranche Comments
7 kr: Redemption: 2019-09-30; Registration: 144P/Xfk C; Comments: ADA650b 7AD3 nwimms imzwn. Wats 3.5%/3.75%, swlmnww 3.375% aswa. DF/Aazn/SK(KtmDmn). FEF/AAQF/AAHH/DamnaAs/DEDFD. Aa2. Wm swvm hsmwiw vms Yasze aybamnmzmmi. Zaw A/S Swc 19-21. Asn ytmnw 1330HDA. WAH zmwae;


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