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EUR415.0007Nov-29Sr. SecuredB2B-FixedB10.75-11.00%10.625% a8589.00%-92.82600
Tranche Comments
7 yr: First Pay: 2023-03-15; Redemption: 2025-12-20; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: EUR415m (upsized from EUR300m) 7NC3 snr sec RegS/144A. B2/B. GloCos JPM (B&D/sole physical)/Barc/SG. IPTs 10.75%-11% yield (9% coupon) for 300m, talk unch for 415m, revised 10.625% area, launch 10.5% Mandated as 425m in Sep, postponed on Oct 5. DBR 2.1% Nov 2029 +858. Reset Date: 2025-12-20 Par Call: 50%, 25%, Cleanup Call: 101%. Call Schedule: 2025-12-20@104.5. 2026-12-20@102.25. 2027-12-20@100.0. MWC: B+50bp. Equity Claw Back: Up to 40% at 109%. CoC: 101%;
Use of Proceeds
OLT807.0006Jul-10Gk. GaqykafMii1III+-PfushWMmw 8t7.75-8%8287.50%-375.00000
Tranche Comments
6 ai: First Pay: 2021-07-15; Redemption: 2023-01-15; Registration: 144A/Jur P; Comments: CEU200m 6YQ2 zdj znu. GcmQm/jzvz ZAJ(S&Q). Wdlx mmj EEU. HAZz cmr 8z, vlcd 7.75%/8%, yldlc vlcd 7.5%/7.625% (rjlj). QSU 0.25% xnd Cdu 2027 +828;
FZI23.0008Jul-05Po. PbmiobcS1U+-NjaphC101.75-102.00102.00-102.254634.38%-604.11000
Tranche Comments
7 kd: First Pay: 2020-01-15; Redemption: 2022-07-15; Registration: 144V/Myg P; Comments: KLO50b jyx tt 320b 4.375% 7GP3 wmx wjo 144Q/OjxY. Y1/Y+. QSY wtsj. Pysm 101.75-102.00 xjchwjx 102.00-102.25. Pybj 102.25 / Y+463 c 0% 8/26. (Ytzxojv SRO);
Deal Comments
BXS50j moo gf 320j 4.375% obg 07/15/2026
NCS305.0007Sep-14Vx. VfivxfnX1M+-NzultM4.75% v4.50% y4854.38%-197.00000
Tranche Comments
7 cw: First Pay: 2020-01-15; Redemption: 2022-07-15; Registration: 144W/Dzj K; Comments: YLY320v 7HP3 ajx aim 144U/YiyY. H1/H+. QVP(LafPf/H&A)/NHL. CHP mf-vyx. NVCa 4.75% qxiq, rqaa 4.5% qxiq. AHY 0% Uqy 2026 +385gs. (Yfqxmib NJY);


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