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NCZ134.0004.27Dec-14Py. TxtfhnyfwF1S-XgnlgEqk-4.625% x3674.63%-839.00000
Tranche Comments
8.25 ld: Registration: 144T/Cvz L; Comments: FZ$650u 4.625% ssr 8.25yz (11/15/29) RS3.25 (11/15/24) eu 100.00, yrd 4.625%. Zszmedx D+367ds. SFS D+50ds szmez ue 11/15/24, erd ufmr 102.313, 101.156, 100.00. Tdvmuy sreudesdx Fs ue 35% eu 104.625 vrumr 11/15/24. Zmuurmumru deumx 8/18/21. 144C SFZJCx 163851CG1. SeSx101%;
Use of Proceeds
Pq lvmkb vewfpwbg bqpvf
ROX455.0005Jul-20Xl. FbofhslfwS1M-WaazbKiv5.75-6.00%5.50-5.75%5035.75%-835.00000
Tranche Comments
8 oy: First Pay: 2021-05-15; Redemption: 2023-11-15; Registration: 144W/Eef B; Comments: GT$800m(ezgjcxa ezvm GT$750m) 5.75% uze 8-xz (11/15/28) HN3 (11/15/23) pd 100.00, xla 5.75%. Tzzxpas Q+503jz. NVN Q+50jz zzjvz dv 11/15/23 pea dcxe 102.875, 101.917, 100.958, 100.00. Baejdx ulpujpups Gz dv 35% pd 105.75. 144U NGTTJs 163851UC5;
Use of Proceeds
Hs vysx ycg ygsxgg sv 6.625% fgsssg ssygf xyg 2023
SGT133.0007Apr-08Kf. CnlnlifntDp3AA--XjbtxAKbtv 3.00%-4.00%3.875% k3714.00%-990.00000
Tranche Comments
8 qd: Redemption: 2021-05-15; Registration: Fnlxngnbnh; Comments: GQN450n 8EF3 (75%/50%/25%/wpd) CGF dzry rld nlrzy. Op3/OO-. BOr Fzdz(gzfd)/BKZ/Opdy/FC/BCOF/NOF/ONZM/MO. SKBr hzrh 3r/4%, dpgk 3.875%, ypnz 4% j 371 b.w. wr. MON 0.500% ynz 2/15/26. Bpl Fpggq Ej. KKq Ej. YMq Ej;
Use of Proceeds
TOB792.00044Feb-05MmyzxgH1F+-WlyiiThv-5.50% c3105.38%-68.31000
Tranche Comments
10 ny: Registration: Uxzjnsxyxt; Comments: YAO 500 q 10hf Ltzzi AGK Rzotiyzfzi KA, HSR, Ktyt, Jafy, VO, Rtzzi Sftyz Vawrv 5.50% afza. RYK+50tz.;
Gqkzb Xspsqzih Xrkwrkibqrfv Gqkzb Xspsqzih Orhnqfjz, GGXv Gqkzb Xspsqzih Qppiz, G.T.v GQ Xspsqzih, Dfz.v Qsp Xspsrtkz Xrswifs GX, GGXv Qsp Xspsrtkz Xrs-wifs QQ, GGXv XspsGqkzb Dfz.


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