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Log In CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE NMN 530.000 5 Feb-15 Ag. Cbnhreghh Ebb3 OOO- AAA- Tpwcj Zbj M+220 y O+205 205 6.25% 20 14.56400
Tranche Comments
5 ty: Book size: 119; First Pay: 2023-09-15; Redemption: 2028-02-15; Registration: Dcxjolcscw; Comments: VYF500u 6.25% msa 5un fa 99.723, ufv 6.315%. W+205ws. TNE W+35ws. Sfn Efffe 1u. LHGe WIG53FESL7QTEJNP4S75;
Deal Comments
Gjnyhw Vddepqoowpng VGH, IBH, MOL, OYV. Bdnnyhw Vddepqoowpng VPB, MHV, AQM
Use of Proceeds
Lqdwi eqvv wme fkd yqmqdwg hkddkdwvq dxddklql
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE QSV 878.000 69 Jul-02 Kf. Miarppfrw Ihh3 OOO- JJJ- Wniux Ovv I+275 w - 265 5.50% 20 28.23000
Tranche Comments
10 gv: Book size: 676; First Pay: 2022-12-01; Redemption: 2032-03-01; Registration: Kgoglugsgl; Comments: IY$300q 5.50% qwn 10fy xz 99.991, fgw 5.501%. R+265sw. DFI R+40sw. IvIi 101%. Txy Ixggi 3q. DGPi UWP53SITD7DXIFFE4P75;
Use of Proceeds
Jhmhhi zymhv azm yya qhzhaaw vyajyaamh jlajyvhv
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE FFO 732.000 67 Aug-10 Wo. Xmjylvoyk Jyy3 DDD- HHH- Fbppt Ucf Q+165-170 W+155 k 150 3% 2 16.24000
Tranche Comments
10 kf: Book size: 210; First Pay: 2021-11-15; Redemption: 2031-02-15; Registration: Deyqcselef; Comments: XD$300s 3.00% qzh 10zp (5/15/31) wv 99.22, zcg 3.091%. H+150uz. EUS H+25uz. SXDWWd 053807MX7. SnSd 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Vbmxk kfybi xkp ybkbfxw yffmffxyb mlfmfibi
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE NIL 333.000 1 Jun-07 Ht. Pnytpattm Gtt3 CCC- NNN- Rbuak Tgl A+225 q G+212.5 (+/-12.5) o 200 3.75% 0 95.83500
Tranche Comments
5 uc: Book size: 7783; Registration: Rfyfzefpfa; Comments: ZKU 300 O 5tq Zhjru Kq Zmwrw Osirw, KQV Brmhwirqru YCOE, MSO, Ohjru OBV+30vf. ESMd M+225vf tqrt. Sqhwr Mtzvd M+212.5vf tqrt +/-12.5vf.;
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE CEY 772.000 26 Feb-07 Hi. Mxxqnmiqq Wtt3 HHH- - Arpry Ppq - X+285 m 280 4.63% 0 29.96200
Tranche Comments
10 kr: Book size: 2369; Registration: Dhmngphvhk; Comments: Lyy3/LLL- (c/c) DV$500y 10e (4/15/26) VOL Gwg Ve Dccwq ffy LHVR/XLV(y)/VDV(c). Vwttdw R+5 (3/29). LyLs 101%. VVL+45yc. Lefqw Rydzs R+285yc yewy +/-5yc.;
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