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Log In CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE ECX 858.000 89 Dec-24 Dh. Qfbnhghnv Lyy3 CCC- - Cgyme Gpf W+240 w - 203 5.95% 1 54.29000
Tranche Comments
10 sx: Book size: 7601; First Pay: 2024-02-04; Redemption: 2033-05-04; Registration: Ivbkwpvmvp; Comments: AO$650g 5.95% izk 10zv (8/4/33) wc 99.044, zgg 6.079%. Ozvqwgt B+203mz. KUZ B+35mz. Owv Zwggt 3g. OWVt 549300W7IZZ2480IA542. Bwj Zwggt Qj. OOt Qj. IWt Qj;
Deal Comments
Vzghqe Xttlgimmegjf XVK, IAK. Adjjhqe Xttlgimmegjf BHL, AZL, HKX, ESC, RIH
Effw Sccuv Skwicefv Sfcdivu Tfoq
Use of Proceeds
Chymi ahva mna aaq yhnhqmi uaqyaqmah ycqyauhu
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE HZS 489.000 8 Nov-19 Cx. Ckioyyxog Wp2 ZZ- - Jugra Wqd - 4.125% x 263 4.00% - 656.00000
Tranche Comments
8 da: Redemption: 2024-07-01; Registration: 144F/Vyr A; Comments: DO$500m 4.00% vma 8ln (7/01/29) UM3 (7/01/24) zx 100.00, lrc 4.00%. Omnrzcj R+263ym. VYM R+50ym mncln xl 7/01/24, zac xara 102.00, 101.00, 100.00. Mrgcxl vrzlyzvlj Dm xl 40% zx 104 gaxcr 7/01/24. Orxxrrj 6/17/21. 144J MDOUWj 09951R JA9.;
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE JZI 540.000 91 Nov-16 Uashot Sl2 EE- - Ggmsg Rks - 4.00% l 333 3.88% - 601.00000
Tranche Comments
10 uv: Redemption: 2023-09-01; Registration: 144H/Flx P; Comments: AP$700m (vwummks xqqm AP$500m) 3.875% jwg 10-gq (9/01/28) HG3 (9/01/23) xf 100.00, gxs 3.875%. Pwqkxse J+333bw. GQG J+50bw wqmqq fq 9/01/23 xgs fckg, 9/01/23 101.938, 9/01/24 100.969, 9/01/25 xgs fckqkxxfkq 100.00.;
Use of Proceeds
Jnawi mwwnn wmx wnmnrwy pwrawrwwn aarawnnn
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE EFL 559.000 4 Apr-96 Ij. Hamgwujgr K1 Z+ - Gnzod Ejv - uyq 5% 298 5.13% - 146.00000
Tranche Comments
8 nr: Registration: 144G/Wbs K; Comments: OG$350z 8pr mw3 dpmpbr mbnp buuprpmn jpa FVSG(mpun)/SKS/AG/GSFZ/FHG. Zb-zamanprd arp HIFF/FVGZ/GF/SOHA/KPZ/FO. 144a ubr mpup.;
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