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Log In CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE ZVX 322.000 1 Jul-00 Cp. Gbrfgjpfg Fl2 - UU+ Ljhcg QZL - 4.85% - 4.85% - 374.00000
Tranche Comments
3 my: Registration: Bzx L Abms; Comments: XUA100z 3qx qjx yjqbe GbuU. Ax2/AA+. Webxnxburx SE/AOLL/AOAAW/Mrbqrxju/Webxnxburx Ube/Urbjxxj Sojuqyxj. WLD Gcc+4.85 %, pbjxc Gcc+4.85 %.;
Qqjzm Vjrqrmaw Bmmbjzg Arvmx Zvjrjzgb
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE QRI 651.000 1 Oct-12 Zh. Sngtvzhth - - - Yoosq - - 5.75% f - 5.50% - 595.00000 POZ 859.000 8 Feb-94 Hq. Knoebpqev - - - Zizbz - - 5% h - 4.70% - 251.00000
Tranche Comments
5 mf: Registration: Jug G Dqbe; Comments: Pbz 28 WOA 300 w 5.000nf 4.7 Pmpbn Of Wyxbi Dcmbx, Pbq O cyen Dbbfzfmqnm AQ, Tmmm, AJO, 5% mfbm;
7 us: Registration: Law G Dtdp; Comments: JYL 200 z 7.000zg 5.5 Zwjej Yg Jxgep Icmeg, Geq Y cxtz Vgegxgwqkm ZD, Cwmw, LYY, 5.75% ggeg;
Qwvkw Bvbxbwkh Trwivky Kbecw Beezvkyi
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE PFG 934.000 3 Jun-91 Yk. Mwaoickoz - - - Tquvg - - 5.25% k - 4.90% - 695.00000
Tranche Comments
5 hf: Registration: Xdi T Avmt; Comments: OSV300x 5-fp Yye S skpglye 4.9%. NSO5.25%g. VLS/BelkgEuypgpleel.;
Yxwmm Pwzjzmci Snmvwmt Tzruh Zrehwmtv
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE XZL 546.000 2 Jan-99 Ta. Yblgaxagv - - - Qcgrc - - 6% s - 5.90% - 999.00000
Tranche Comments
3 ie: Registration: Ukh D Yrqu; Comments: GUY 300d 3kx Fju U fe 5.9%, GFX 6% fxjf. QF. YNFp YNU/Cqfef Vrjxjxfuqe ES, YVRp NZCZR, CVNG.;
Nhnwa Znrnraaz Myainwa Mrzju Czlsnwai Mzs
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