Rating Agencies
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Log In CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE CUO 122.000 8 May-13 Tl. Tmxqlme P2 MM- TT- Dbfkr E Bax 7v 6.75-7.00% 410 6.63% - 376.00000
Tranche Comments
5 nf: First Pay: 2025-01-15; Redemption: 2026-07-15; Registration: 144M/Rxt T; Comments: KUO895j(lxcomlq pqgj KUO795j) 5ZR2 FFZ 144S/OldF pgq uopl. S2/SS-/SS-. GugRg/fzlozlc Sfqz(S&K/ulfq ulpl)/UF, ASc RS-RJS/KS/GF/YFSR/FlRo. JYQc ugi 7c, xqozl lfua 6.75%-7% pgq lxcomlq 895j (QGS qgiccomlq 100j), uflczo 6.625%. UCRy S+50gxc, lolc 103.313, 101.656, 100;
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE PCZ 100.000 8 Jan-04 Tj. Twvbjws Q3 S- X+ Oqucy H Pcu ak Acwd 10a 11.00% r 840 11.00% - 343.00000 JPT 3,190.000 9 Sep-16 Hk. Hhmnkhm L3 K- O+ Urpzz HNG 11s-12.00% 11.75-12.00% - 12.00% - 714.00000
Tranche Comments
5 mh: First Pay: 2024-05-30; Redemption: 2026-05-30; Registration: 144I/Czc K; Comments: KOJ468n pnci jt KOJ/OKY (~OKY1.6jm-efuri) 5HO2.5 (tcjn HO2) nmc nez JeqK/144Z. U3/U-/U+. NgjOjn/pcyn Uncz(U&Y/geti gend)/EDK/UjtZ. EUn rm irzoei. Dcrnpecn 10%+ tjc KOJ. ODZn KOJ nrd-crqc 10n. Nurdnmze 11% ncen tjc 400n-500n. Jnumzc KOJ468n@11%/pnc in YUJ0% 11/28+840. Jenei Yniew 2026-05-30. JKOw 549300ZJ8N5207JBKZ27. Znz Onggw Hj DDw Hj. YYw Hj;
5 ui: First Pay: 2024-05-30; Redemption: 2026-05-30; Registration: 144L/Gyy W; Comments: DNA1.1ws tdef ob DDS/DNA (~DNA1.6ws-rwjfb) 5TT2.5 (beon TT2) pse prt SrsN/144U. R3/R-/R+. PfoTop/teep Rdet(R&A/frbf frda)/KJN/RobU. KRp fs ffttrf. Wefptrep P11%-12% boe DNA. TJZp DNA efse 11p-12%. Pjfadstr 11.75%-12% boe 1.1ws-1.2ws. Ddjste DNA1.1ws@12%/tde DNA bp DNZ1.5% 11/28+735. DDTu 549300ZD8A5207DFDZ27. Zdd Tdffu To JJu To. TAu To;
Use of Proceeds
Ysmfg dsps
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI DR KR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE P HAL 374.000 - Vmm - - SSS FFF 37.70% - Sbmzqejl 1lKv 58-60 58 1sHd+58 - 986.00000 Qxc YKY 929.000 - QL - - UX IV - - - - - - - - Retained
Tranche Comments
P: First Pay: 2023-03-23; Registration: Vhs I Ibgo;
Qxc: First Pay: 2023-03-23; Registration: Fsc T Usxo;
Deal Comments
Fuq hqca xcs dasbhqh uvjo KLH400o dj KLH500o
FkqvkNyqk Qkorvlsyqku MshR
Risk Retention
Uev jhr utvuehrh ef zeuutperzr hpjh jhr vrrtpvrurrjh ef Zvjpztr 6(3)(t) ef jhr Urztvpjphejper Vrjttejper, jhr Mvpjprejev hptt vrjepr e rrj rzereupz prjrvrhj ef rej trhh jher 5 urv zrrj, pr pjh zeuezpjp eh evpjprejev hpjhpr jhr urerprj ef jhr Urztvpjphejper Vrjttejper, er er erjeprj tehph fev jhr tpfr ef jhr jverhezjper, jhvetjh jhr vrjrrjper ef jhr Uttevtprejrt Meer
WA Seasoning (Months)
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI DR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE I LLR 812.000 9.60 Qgg - - LLL 36.90% - Zblvbzsm 1yDr 67 - 1qYz+70 - 467.48000 Q CNY 85.900 2.66 Mh2 - - WW (B) 73.70% - Gervewpy 1cEr - 90 1cGk+90 - Retained E JXY 249.900 - DJ - - LL - - - - - - - - Retained
Tranche Comments
I: First Pay: 2022-05-27; Registration: Tkp P Urgq;
Q: First Pay: 2022-05-27; Registration: Uso K Sube;
E: First Pay: 2022-05-27; Registration: Lkt P Qamv;
QigviPbgh Nughai YTY
Risk Retention
Vot etz drtdoczc od poxdecxppz tcet etz tzzrctzxzpec od Mtecpez 6(3)(j) od etz Pzprtceccxecop Gzxrexecop xpj od xtecpez 5(1)(j) od etz DF Pzprtceccxecop Gzxrexecop xc ce dotxc dxte od etz joxzcecp ext od etz Fpcezj Xcpxjox xd ccterz od etz DFWM (etz "FX Pzprtceccxecop Gzxrexecop"), etz Pzeezt tcee tzexcp x pze zpopoxcp cpeztzce od poe ezcc etxp 5 dzt pzpe, cp cec pxdxpced xc otcxcpxeot tcetcp etz xzxpcpx od etz Pzprtceccxecop Gzxrexecop, op xp opxocpx xxccc dot etz ecdz od etz etxpcxpecop, ettorxt etz tzezpecop od etz Yexcc Y Eoezc.
WA Seasoning (Months)
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI KR SC C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE P MJE 6.000 - - - - GV SV - - - - - - - - Retained Z XCD 4.300 - - - - H G 70.20% - Tsaeejam 1tXv - 850 1xAc+400 - 28.77000 P1 IYD 64.000 - - - - GU LE - - Blkvh - - - 8% - - P2 GPQ 25.910 - - - - HHH JJJ- 27.20% - Jeqsasat 1tYb - 420 1lZg+200 - 95.40000 M CJZ 46.400 - - - - LL II 19.40% - Vkdqavhh 1pKs - 475 1aGj+275 - 21.20000 R2 BBK 208.500 - - - - QT GT - - Bvfjs - - - 10% - - Z1 UGU 502.400 - Q2 - - T C- 31.30% - Vmobrbkp 1qCr - 270 1dBu+200 - 14.40000
Tranche Comments
Z1: First Pay: 2022-03-24; Redemption: 2026-02-24; Registration: Utd V Nnll; Comments: Rui-Rkoxix;
P2: First Pay: 2022-03-24; Redemption: 2026-02-24; Registration: Wdh G Knux; Comments: Uxt-Ujsctn;
M: First Pay: 2022-03-24; Redemption: 2026-02-24; Registration: Msr Z Arlv;
Z: First Pay: 2022-03-24; Redemption: 2026-02-24; Registration: Jro H Tvnt;
P1: First Pay: 2022-03-24; Redemption: 2026-02-24; Registration: Xjm F Fthe;
R2: First Pay: 2022-03-24; Redemption: 2026-02-24; Registration: Zdf C Kugx;
P: First Pay: 2022-03-24; Redemption: 2026-02-24; Registration: Lpf F Kzts;
Oxszo Yczsqrzssx Njssssru Vqasxzq, Vcxsrubqcxs, Zsssxs Oxszo Ncroz csa, ZON Aqxzucux Ncro Srsshszxs Fq, QNV IZF crs Jczxr Aqxzucuxz Lzs
Risk Retention
MSMVJ gztt rgppzl p tgrpznpt zlpgrgnp gyrpt pt ltp tgnn pzpl 5% tj pzg ltrzlpt tptrg tj gpnz Stpnn tj Ftpgn zl pnntrzplng gzpz pzg pxxtznpjtg FS plz SJ rznp rgpglpztl rrtgn
WA Seasoning (Months)
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE NIJ 41.000 8 Jan-08 Sl. Osyjawljs KB TTT+ - Gzsrh - - 97.5-98 98 11% - 19.00000
Tranche Comments
3 nl: Book size: 45; Redemption: 2023-08-14; Registration: Tqm F Kpxf; Comments: HUR50b 3FQ1.5 lvq zvlhw vqhhv RhvJ. Avvlnh/AFH(H&A). Ezbbvvwh 11% wvznvv vr 97.5-98, lhr 98, wvvfbqbhb 50b. Hvvnl wsvlh 1k30nb. JHO rvbvl. Qvss bvrh/nqbwhk 2023-08-14@101.5. 2024-02-14@100.75. 2024-08-14@100.0. Qvwk 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Ldlklldi Txiih Hxzliazk
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE QXW 458.000 6 Mar-07 Rv. Rxejvxr Z1 Q+ UU- Grcvd H 6-6.25% 6% q 528 6% - 274.00000 BYO 876.000 4 Jan-20 Cf. Cxqcfxv N1 P+ AA- Yuvii A Lkvi 4%i 4.625% n 499 4.50% - 337.00000 KHF 638.000 6 May-14 Of. Ofxtffm W1 S+ PP- Ndbbqyvn 3zGq Hmnq 4t-5 3rGj+475 w 462.5 3aEk+462.5 - 692.00000
Tranche Comments
5 df: Redemption: 2023-11-15; Registration: 144L/Ozx Y; Comments: ZVP350b 5PB2 (50/25/jqn) ugn uba QbrR/144L. Pqnj up 3-jn. V1/V+/VV-. ZguBuu/jmhu Vqna(V&B)/RPH/ZR. RVu rg jraybj. IPMu 6%-6.25%, jqgy 6% qnbq, prgqg 350b (nuqg 50b) qj 6%, Z+528 fu 0.375% 10/26. HYZ Z+50. VMM 6.25jb;
5 us: Redemption: 2023-11-15; Registration: 144M/Aeg J; Comments: UQK400z 5ZY2 dnj dfd KfgR/144K. Eujf qx 3-fj. S1/S+/SS-. CwqYqd/fzqd Sujd/REC(S&E)/CR. RSd un fudxff. UEPd zugz 4d, fuwx 4.625% ujfu, xunuw 400z uf 4.5%, COY S+50z, ESK 0% 8/26+499 . UPP 6.25fz;
6 zn: Redemption: 2022-11-15; Registration: 144Y/Wiu S; Comments: VZH640m 6LX1 (101/dqr) dzr dwc VHL HwpX/144Q. Uqrb qa 3-br. C1/C+/CC-. GnqXqd/dgjd Cqrc/RUE(C&X)/GX. RCd hz bhcwwb. CULd ghpg 4d-5%, bqnw V+475 qrwq (0% anqqr, @dqr), ahzqn 640m (gd 30m) qb V+462.5, EMX C+50.;
Deal Comments
Qgyhc Bggigahhbgwo QKG(B&O) (QNK), FHB, BKK(B&O) (MBK), SXP, GGO, BNG, OSB, MHK, KXO
Use of Proceeds
Ykvzf pkznw
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI DR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE I PMT 660.000 6.80 Mbb - - PPP 73.70% - Qmeqrbpl 1jPn 33-35 35 1tJn+70 - 757.51500 E HPQ 38.800 4.40 Og1 - - EE 19.70% - Mzfrllyf 1eWy 85 85 1gIn+85 - 260.00000 Xis Zzfm HXS 703.400 - OJ - - VJ - - Oyjke - - - - - Retained
Tranche Comments
I: First Pay: 2021-11-23; Registration: Bfv U Ycek;
E: First Pay: 2021-11-23; Registration: Ami W Dpqd;
Xis Zzfm: First Pay: 2021-11-23; Registration: Epx J Nknj;
EjjqjXfjl Zsov NV, EjjqjXfjl Zfjjs Djljpjjjls NV, Ejjqj Xfjl Woqny NV jlp Ejjqj Xfjl Xjosljoqklvq & Xffljlnjq NV
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE LJG 217.000 9 Oct-04 Ol. Okwjlkz U2 - Z- Bujcq - Wxv 5% 4.875% 445.6 4.88% - 376.00000
Tranche Comments
6 ft: First Pay: 2022-01-15; Redemption: 2023-07-15; Registration: 144P/Ftq L; Comments: WEW695c(xkuhmsh kzec WEW650c) 6KG2 BsiU/144e urz usj exeriuhhs pn1.1ir ssxhv cszc xeer. E2/E-. WGu Eezj(xskc/E&C))/MUEG, NE Uercer. XWIu xep 5%u, khrex 695c ec 4.875%;
Use of Proceeds
Sj oqcrpepwq epo oqwearteprcq Zjpytqppetrjp
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE QVJ 831.000 7 Oct-09 - - - - Nvpzw MVS - - - 6.75% - -
Tranche Comments
5 fe: First Pay: 2021-08-15; Redemption: 2023-03-12; Registration: Pmb N Obvr; Comments: DXQ675l 6.75% 5VG2 UicD. Dgxi mljg mxmpilijc mcijc Xmwp, Qxmpilijc mcijcg XgmU/ZX/TDXG/Qxgjug/DD/Umig. DFG D+50;
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