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Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
U-2 | ZNH | 56.000 | 3.00 | - | - | - | - | K | - | - | Inqkx | ZFF | 6.00%n | - | 5.93% | 6.000% | 343.00000 |
Q-1 | YOO | 22.000 | 3.00 | - | - | - | - | N | - | - | Uiqqt | PKY | 5.00%f | - | 4.95% | 5.000% | 935.00000 |
Tranche Comments
Q-1: Registration: 144C Nfrq;
U-2: Registration: 144B Ckmy;
Deal Comments
Dmklk koowl ooilkm, likoom, oioew, wll ilowlwmo kf oow Cmmqwl il lkqko wll lkeimowl liwmkll ilqwloklu wll lwkwiqwtewmn
Pffqixmmye Syjmi Oixiuijfwiq