Register now: ABF 2025 | The Intersection of Specialty Finance, Fintech, and Private Credit | September 25-26, 2025 | New York City.
Discover the next frontier in private credit as Asset Based Finance surges beyond $1.6T. From digital infrastructure to litigation funding, explore diverse opportunities emerging from bank deleveraging at this exclusive industry gathering.
Finsight’s US ABS Loan-Level Data tracks SEC ABS-EE asset-level disclosures and converts them into clean, digestible CSV renderings.
Use StratMaker to instantly crunch millions of data points for clean and consistent stratification tables of underlying asset & performance data across thousands of auto loan and lease transactions.
Export XML to CSV converted datatapes
Simplify setting up and cracking data tapes with StratMaker
Drill down into underlying asset composition across transactions and issuers
Search and filter through 25,000+ ABS-EE EDGAR filings in clean CSV formats.