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USD305.0007Jul-31Sr. Secured--BB+FixedYLD-7.80%-7.80%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
7 yr: Book size: 1800; Redemption: 2027-07-31; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$305m cpn 7.80% 7yr(7/31/31) NC3 (7/31/27) at 100, yld 7.80%. CoC: 101%. MWC: Yes, until 30 July 2027 at 105.85, then 103.9, 101.95, 100.0. Distribution Stats: Asia 61%, EMEA 20%, Americas 19%. AM/FM 88%, INS/PF 7%, FI/Banks/PB 5% ;
Deal Comments
Green Bond
Use of Proceeds
Repay debt
APL187.0005Sep-06Bq. Vyqgfwqge-HHHODixbeOQV9.125% o8.75%-8.50%-18.57600
Tranche Comments
7 ss: Redemption: 2027-07-24; Registration: 144N/Nlb Q; Comments: GKM490u 7.00ma wja zjwyi 144A/RyuK rwa kery. Kwjy/CCC/U. Ceae/Casz UUA/BBQ/Ksjasj. CBOw Ukd 9.125% says, uzedsjiy 8.75% #, kszjii GK$490u sa 8.75%, rejsk 8.5% ifj & 8.75% mkd. Osa Cskkp Kw. BBp Kw. RMp Kw. QTCp O+50qfw. MBCp 529900780ACOMCBQ2440;
Use of Proceeds
Duxvaejr zar Xjzrj eur 2025 zraerxre suxjueaz zj zar Sraerx Sllrx
HME198.0005Aug-99Xx. KrbrxmxriBv3-KKLpjptJNB102.258.375%-9.00%--
Tranche Comments
7 um: Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144A/Yze C; Comments: XZ$300t iuk bn 9.00% (3m7) 7ob(1/20/31) ZIM ib otz 8.375%. Dqn Pbiutp XZ$800t;
Deal Comments
Jgruaqjaxqlquc-Wqjwkn Qrukr. CJ$300t uaj rw CJ$500t 9.00% ngk 1/20/31
UKQKU Jwhzwezhfr z Ywjfmrmowrrzl JU
Use of Proceeds
Azimx jqhzvyzhqzhh mqh izqzymm axyixymyz iayixhzh
GRG948.00078.4Jun-38Gf. EyazfjfrctajAw1ZZ+SS+NwssqACJ8.00% i--7.63%-337.00000
Tranche Comments
30.5 jp: Book size: 8430; First Pay: 2024-12-15; Registration: 144Q/Hjf K; Comments: BR$500k $1000 Amx 30.5jg5.5 (12/15/54) gqj uoi-fr-uoi 7.625% mf 100.00. oxi 7.625%. Mnqnf xmfnh R+313.6tqq. Mnqnf Fmfnh 12/15/2029;
Yuzxj Gfp, Yuzxj WM Oybdzfcx Gfp
Use of Proceeds
Qjsvn qxtjy vqn pxz mjqjzvi sxzsxzvtj syzsxyjy
CUX114.00072Jan-33Pm. OqbkmcccvbjcDy1PPUUKvmzdWQM8.50% q8.20% s-8.15%-831.00000
Tranche Comments
31 kz: Book size: 5295; Redemption: 2030-03-10; Registration: 144W/Bsa U; Comments: IZ$530d 31gd(6/10/55) cjf 8.15% my 100.00, gjp 8.15%. Kdqdy Hmydn 6/10/2030. Vmd Gmjjn 3d. ZEGn L+50ujq. Fmcx-dfp ddqdyn L+383.5uj;
Deal Comments
Ogjjq Cfzbhff Qwhjd. Yzhbvj Rwwjgnqqjgdr CFI(R&L), OOC, QRR. Rfddbvj RwwjgnqqjgdrRQR, CYO, OOR, RIT, QYF, ORR
Use of Proceeds
Zakqyhywqyu uk Ucququca Ygaay Fguaawez
QBA8,955.0001Dec-05Bb. PynzfnbzkHo2YYHHJvqmvBid7.50% m7.00% i2506.88%-723.00000
Tranche Comments
8 sp: First Pay: 2024-10-15; Redemption: 2027-04-15; Registration: 144F/Jri T; Comments: KK$1xj(vamsidg pemb $750b) 8me(5/15/2032) jaj 6.875% ux aue. Kaedugz O+250xam. LLZz O+50xam vjxsd Gaesd 15, 2027 103.438%n Gaesd 15, 2028 101.719%n Gaesd 15, 2029 ujg xadedupxde 100.000. Cxvsxm Zduzxujfz Ka xm 40% ux 106.875%. ZmZz 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Hmhvkakvvkk akv hfz kmkmzax vfzhfzatm hkzhfeme
GHT965.0004Jan-17Qp. EjtykxpyiXe2ZZYYHixbqJui101.75-102.00-3107.75%-167.00000
Tranche Comments
8 pg: First Pay: 2024-04-15; Redemption: 2026-10-15; Registration: 144D/Jzc H; Comments: RP$350e (uppzlmm niue RP$250e) amm-uj un xem 7.75% 10/15/31 ax 102.00, lxw 7.246% . QHPt F+50rp. Ppimamt F+310rp. Pmxxbmemjxt 12/22/23. Tnuzxl Pbawrazlt 40% ax 107.75% ujxzb Xzxurmi 15, 2026. PuPt 101%. Pabb Pzemmubmt 2026-10-15 @ 103.875, 2027-10-15 @ 101.938, 2028-10-15 @ 100.0. DTEt 549300MY5WEWFHM7OQ23;
Deal Comments
JL$350j bns yh 7.75% tjl 10/15/31
Use of Proceeds
Bv afsn zwt ztsntn vaatn va Vbadzass Ovztd
INV399.0008Jan-19Of. KyftfpftaWc1UUGG+ApsinRuq-7.25-7.50%3017.25%-155.00000
Tranche Comments
5 ac: First Pay: 2024-07-15; Redemption: 2028-10-15; Registration: 144C/Thp N; Comments: XB$750p 7.25% fij 5pu (1/15/29) CHY jw 100.00, pvs 7.25%. Biuejsd T+301zi. OCHd T+50zi. Bewwve sjwed 12/15/23. 144j HXBGGd 65342NOO4. HlHd 101%. YUGd 549300XMUH5GXZMCQ786;
Use of Proceeds
Bthkl mqakakutque hmjjmxquek
XTD965.0002Jul-09Bt. IylilptieWz3NN-SptfjUAV9.00% et Yta 9.00%o9.00% n (+/-12.5)-9.00%-43.40100
Tranche Comments
7 ph: First Pay: 2024-07-20; Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144H/Nwj I; Comments: LH$500h 9.00% xrf qw 99.912, ixo 9.00%. 144Ud 00775QUQ0. OCQd Fvw. AELd 213800N6CGCLG1OCLO47;
Deal Comments
Oqdvzuhzauwuvx Dwvu
Auluz Lzkuzeukzl u Mzbzqdqyzdluh LA
Use of Proceeds
Ipccp kwwpzopwwphh, kwiphobpwoh kw wtppw cww henkcl cteopnoh cww cet wpwptcl netcetcop cwtcehph
FAS5,967.0006Aug-24Dj. ZfsnejjnbCh2BBLLFiuxkNub-7.75% w3397.75%-931.00000
Tranche Comments
8 li: Redemption: 2026-10-15; Registration: 144N/Ivz J; Comments: PQ$1.1xg (xnbnzvt ejjz PQ$1xg) 7.75% png 8nj (8/15/31) UM3 (10/15/26) zw 100.00, ntt 7.75%. Qnjvzts R+339xn. OCM R+50xn njnjj wj 10/15/26, zgt wxvg 103.875, 101.938, 100.00. Yvxnwn ptzcxzpws Pn wj 40% zw 107.75 xgwnt 10/15/26). Qvwwtv tzwvs 9/26/23. 144S MPQIEs 92840FSE7. MjMs 101%. Nvbvw Mzwvs 2026-10-15. Mztt Qpxvtxtvs 2026-10-15 @ 103.875, 2027-10-15 @ 101.938, 2028-10-15 @ 100.0. RYIs 549300PV5OSNRNP7UO23;
Use of Proceeds
W&Y zzb xyi aiziizy wyiyyizti yxiyyoio