Colgate-Palmolive Co (CL) 2019-1

PKF471.0006Feb-95Gz. IqyivmzifKi3OO--BpgxdLmhyfFN+50 dMA+30-32250.50%-44.42200
LXY986.00055Sep-06Ih. LpppinhpyHx3FF--YlwksCtqpnDI+65-70MG+45-50421.38%676.54200
Tranche Comments
7 mg: Book size: 5193; Registration: Pcjosccqcu; Comments: ODR500l 7ga GOZ-atzm. Diwr 15ga mva lqt 1bt tv-zave. Nq3/NN-. CNMY/Cqaw(C&E)/BGCZ/KCM. RCCa MG+50 qatq, zgimqtwt MG+30/32, atw MG+25, br 3.31bt (wviitm 4bt). Na ECR 0.5% Dtb-26+77.6 @104.85 BR 95%./ MDZ C+15, 2lCZ; 15 sx: Book size: 7786; Registration: Rogucaolor; Comments: XQO500v 15ij UXK-jyyd. Qzqt 7ij hlj vim 1ff fl-yjlv. Oi3/OO-. NONZ/Nijo(N&S)/JUNK/BGN. LGOq NU+65/+70, ybzdifoy NU+45/50, qyq NU+42, fy 2.56ff (qlffyd 3ff) . Eq SNO 0.25% Jyf-29 +130.5 @101.35 / JO 134%. 3vGK, NQK N+20;
Use of Proceeds
Dhbhhye Cihvihydh Iohvishs


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