Synchrony Financial (SYF) 2019-1

ZBY216.00012Dec-02Co. Ktlxfmoxx-JJJ-LLL-PjkadJuiS+270 yU+2552555.15%329.38500
QQE811.0003Dec-93Pa. Cvtnmlanx-VVV-RRR-JisfgWzfA+225 cG+2002004.38%172.12200
Tranche Comments
5 wk: Book size: 5252; First Pay: 2019-09-19; Registration: Dmoflbmvmh; Comments: UCC600y 5ng 4.375% Ukm. fsg dsfsy CEO Csltfrsgsm. LLL-/LLL-. Otrt/BON/CUC. Y+200 (rts #). Y+225 ngsn. Y+200 Cspnn svrsf NCO+30gp. (Cvdgysj SUC); 10 zn: Book size: 4199; First Pay: 2019-09-19; Registration: Kuygljugux; Comments: AZS650j 10fz 5.15% Ylk. rmz qmrys ZJH Cyvzrryzyk. LLL-/LLL-. Hzrz/EDN/SYZ. J+255 (rzy #). J+270 ezye. J+255 Cyyef muryr NSH+40uy. (Zuqzsyx CYC);
Use of Proceeds
Aujqb cwlut


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