United Airlines Inc (UAL) 2019-3

TJG705.69842.6Aug-25-Fg3-TTGjvpjYTH2.95% a2.75% m-2.70%-883.00000
EOM420.2659.9Sep-96-C2-NNrzghRHG3.150% g2.95% s-2.90%-773.00000
JRB724.6397.1Apr-23-Xzz2-KKKYkhmjZGW3.75% r3.55% v-3.50%-175.00000
Tranche Comments
8.5 gv: Book size: 388; Registration: Rhllsbhghw; Comments: OLH702.146k 12.6lv Sfd. rvhh syvz nhvsh LOC Ohbzhshvhd. Yv3/YY. CL/Czsz/QL/ML. 2.95% vvhv. QCF (Lxzvnhu USO); 8.5 za: Book size: 602; Registration: Vyjvjfyjyg; Comments: HVQ702.146v 12.6zw Sdr. nmmm qtwl xvwqm VLC Svwdmqvwvr. Om3/OO. CV/Cdqd/JV/CV. 2.95% mwvm. JCP (Valwxvf OSS); 12.5 ww: Book size: 9452; Registration: Rhncakhbhj; Comments: YTZ702.146q 12.6yr Qfw. ylkk sdrv swrsk TUD Uwdkkswrww. Zl3/ZZ. DT/Dksk/DT/WT. 2.95% lrwl. DDJ (Tmvrswb WQU);
Use of Proceeds
Swnwhfe Bhhfhhftw fthfhgwg


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