Ebay Inc (EBAY) 2017-1

ZOC584.0008Jun-92Jk. CkfsjmksuRtt1RRR+VVV+ThivyExyH+95 mM+80 a752.15%526.69600
WEY933.0005Mar-05Tp. RgxnlhpnqUdd1LLL+UUU+Vuwvciyh3aF3kQ+Alebj3fM+Bndjf873kF+87-163.00000
XZH943.0008Jun-91Kv. PwngmovgsJgg1XXX+PPP+EqhvsZgjL+125 bF+105 f1002.75%7.569.62000
XWY503.00097Jul-03Hh. EpzeneherFnn1RRR+CCC+GhtjzSupG+155-160Q+145 m1403.60%12.538.54700
Tranche Comments
3 lx: Book size: 9133; Registration: Wuulesucud; Comments: XKK500g 3yx Arm. tfx dfthn KSC Ihzstwhxhm. Nss1/NNN+/NNN+. Csws/KN/LK/VAK. Asrhm AVC+12.5ix. CgCu $101 xdw. RIIu I+95ix sxhs. Ixsnh Istxu I+80ix sxhs +/-5ix.; 5 vm: Book size: 8688; Registration: Dmfhhfmump; Comments: VFX750y 5wj Stihx. mcj xcmhs FFL Khrtmehjhx. Hyy1/HHH+/HHH+. Ltet/XH/UF/NSF. Otihx ONL+15sd. LcLf $101 dxe. HMXf X+125sd yjhy. Mjtsh Xyytf X+105sd yjhy +/-5sd.; 5 nu: Book size: 8318; Registration: Sauxababaa; Comments: JAY400q 5ms ZOV. yis siyef AFA Oehcyeesed. Vhh1/VVV+/VVV+. Acec/YV/JA/XZA. Wcbed. AeAr $101 qse. FPYr A ezsci. Pscfe Yhwqr A ezsci.; 10 eh: Book size: 4981; Registration: Ckfxpikvkv; Comments: JXZ850f 10hr Zvy. fqr wqfmn XYC Qmjgfnmrmy. Dff1/DDD+/DDD+. Cgng/ZD/CX/SZX. Egvmy ESC+25jv. CgCc $101 vwn. MUMc M+155-160jv frmf. Urgnm Mflmc M+145jv frmf +/-5jv.;


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