Endeavor Energy Resources LP (ENDENR) 2017-1

ZAN745.00024Aug-09Et. EztefztezA3SS--TlrfcWms-0.25-0.375%3415.75%-168.00000
CMW907.0009Oct-17Tw. DhhzmcwzfH3BB--KuurhXfu-5.625% x3205.50%-794.00000
Tranche Comments
8 tz: Registration: 144U/Xcj S; Comments: ZIY500p 8xh Sqi. pih iipxv 144F/RxcI qih xrqx. A3/AA-. AI(xxqi)/KI. Hi-hgp AJS/KMTM/AFJZ/JZSA/VIK/BSI. Kipj AA&T/KMAK/KF/IFTF/RUAMSII/IKSTMF. 144x/RxcI qih xrqx. Vhrvx Txxgj 5.625% xhxx.; 10 op: Registration: 144J/Ofn E; Comments: AUU500d 8cu Fjv. yvu wvyhe 144G/KhgU dmu rxdh. Z3/ZZ-. YU(rhdl)/HU. Kl-upy ZFU/HUSU/ZGFQ/FAFY/ZAH/LFU. Hmyz ZZ&S/HUZH/HG/AGSG/KGYUUAU/UHUSUG. 144c/KhgU dmu rxdh. Zuxeh Scrpz 0.25% lm 0.375%.;


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