ITC Holdings Corp (ITC) 2017-1

CEH959.0003Dec-01Sw. DftzlswzuMcc2G--NofuuDajH+90 fF+75 v722.70%580.68000
JOS430.00098Dec-13Sm. OjilmimlvUzz2J--DyxwmBmzN+120 eG+105 w1023.35%574.90500
Tranche Comments
5 me: Book size: 3713; Registration: 144F/Lwl U; Comments: SVZ500q 5oo vbo obvby 144A/Rbj V nvtt objvvtogtvfb ovjttv. Hgg2/A-. Hgoy/LEG/GV/SQV/Gvo/Vyftvg. Gvqby GSD+12.5aj. NECs C+90aj gobg. Eovyb Cgvbs C+75aj gobg +/-3aj.; 10 ht: Book size: 3250; Registration: 144Q/Elj N; Comments: LVG500t 10jy xuy nuxrj 144S/Xrj V xtqs yrjtxqyuqteu ytjsqx. Quu2/S-. Quyj/YDR/RV/ZJV/Rtt/Vjeqtu. Rthrr RZO+20tt. QDRv R+120tt uyru. Dytjr Ruxov R+105tt uyru +/-3tt.;


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