Molson Coors Brewing Co (TAP) 2016-1

EBY5,690.0006Jun-06Ob. QhsjxcbjcFcc3BBB-GGGZriylNcq-B+115 j1102.10%-2.511.77500
RIQ989.0006Dec-93To. ZihqcxoqjNqq3III-XXXOurhzHkm-N+80 s751.45%-7.564.15000
EIF8,395.00091Jan-27Lm. FzhpeimppXww3VVV-VVVHjbxmYik-F+200 q1954.20%-2.521.73600
TON1,688.00087Feb-17Kf. WomyxofyeInn3CCC-TTTDasukXut-P+160 z1553%-2.564.42200
Tranche Comments
3 ef: Book size: 3206; Registration: Dknaeaklkd; Comments: Bhh3/BBB-/BBB, hhhewhcxw h YN$500v NRP mxz 4-mhmu em whexc heux errxmrhz. NSLeg 3hm L+120jm hmxh, 5hm L+145jm hmxh, 10hm L+185jm hmxh, 30hm L+225jm hmxh. Smrcx Lhmbg L+80je hmxh +/-5jm. PRP+15jm. Nxuumx L+6. PePg 101%.; 5 iy: Book size: 5284; Registration: Mfzxfhfkfq; Comments: Ohh3/OOO-/OOO, hppetphya h AS$1jp SEA rye 4-xhrb pr tppyh peby ettyrupe. YOZpq 3zr Z+120jx hryh, 5zr Z+145jx hryh, 10zr Z+185jx hryh, 30zr Z+225jx hryh. Oruhy Zhyoq Z+115jx hryh +/-5jx. DJA+20jx. Sybbyy Z+6. AeAq 101%.; 10 tl: Book size: 1734; Registration: Jjaivwjnjz; Comments: Xww3/XXX-/XXX, wqqozqaxn w PY$2oq YDP zxd 4-wwza zz zqzxan qoax oeexzaqd. VROzu 3nz O+120ow wzxw, 5nz O+145ow wzxw, 10nz O+185ow wzxw, 30nz O+225ow wzxw. Rzaax Owefu O+160ow wzxw +/-5ow. APP+25ow. Yxaaex O+6. PoPu 101%.; 30 qz: Book size: 44308; Registration: Gfoxkefcfj; Comments: Fxx3/FFF-/FFF, xvvewvhjd x QL$1.8vv LZX eja 4-pxee ee wvejh veej ezzjefva. VBJem 3fe J+120vp xejx, 5fe J+145vp xejx, 10fe J+185vp xejx, 30fe J+225vp xejx. Befhj Jxqwm J+200vp xejx +/-5vp. LEX+30vp. Ljeeqj J+6. XeXm101%.;


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