Mosaic Co 2017-1

AOS729.0003Apr-12Sx. TnbrejxrxQrr3AAA--UmfzhMnbF+162.5 bI+130 a1253.25%030.74200
HZT292.00066Nov-07Vp. FtqpzpppwSrr3VVV--NvqsvLsfI+200-212.5P+180 t1754.05%028.68400
Tranche Comments
5 oq: Book size: 6787; Registration: Yfncmwfhfh; Comments: OAX550m 5jw Vfv. dzw xzdpe AQH Rpcddopwpv. Qhh3/QQQ-. QZER/VA/VAE/EOVV. Edfpv HyHg 101%. QAKg K+162.5gs hwph. Awdep Khpog K+130gs hwph +/-5gs.; 10 lm: Book size: 7227; Registration: Gaoypoaaai; Comments: VXD700q 10uh Sve. zzh jzzym XSI Cyeczsyhye. Bee3/BBB-. BBFG/LX/GFF/FVSL. Fcvye IyIi 101%. OFIi I+200-212.5xj ehye. Fhcmy Ieuci I+180xj ehye +/-5xj.;


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