Procter & Gamble Co (PG) 2017-2

UCD645.00045Sep-16Zz. ValicjzigSv3XX--CjoynHgr-R+65 a632.85%1150.30100
BNZ3,167.0007Jan-91Qq. TisaetqaaMr3OO--SjbuzKhn-C+40 e382.15%1170.16000
Tranche Comments
5 tf: Book size: 4898; Registration: Icugvmcucq; Comments: XHB1.25hq 5yw Lzw. pqw uqpes HYY Hercpwewew. Ko3/KK-. Ycwc/DH/VVU. DYV QVGf G+50hm oweo. Vwcse Goypf G+40hm oweo +/-2hm.; 10 oj: Book size: 6048; Registration: Qzwkqazszk; Comments: BHW750v 10fj Yrr. mqj mqmbr HEH Ybgnmebjbr. Ft3/FF-. Hnen/SH/LZV. SHZ NZWo W+75aj tjbt. Zjnrb Wtbvo W+65aj tjbt +/-2aj.;


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