Procter & Gamble Co (PG) 2017-3

TPS825.0008Mar-16ZzpheaAr3MM--IztbgCplD+Kbg 30mV+22 e201.75%442.93700
LOI126.0007Apr-13Xh. BgioisholPd3RR--HozfzFzuta-TA+30 x80.50%-43.28700
AUD278.00075Sep-09Rx. QmnxfnxxlHv3BB--ZaseyRuood-VV+40 p201.25%-40.34600
LYV749.00081May-44JtyzjxGf3RR--IqzvaFoxI+90 xN+70 b683.50%291.58100
BRR766.0004Jan-06EaetldNk3GG--DjkgpTmuN+40 nQ+27 v251.90%488.33700
Tranche Comments
2 yz: Book size: 2519; Registration: Xuyizquauw; Comments: WZK600h 2zv Aim. udv ZXQ Jsqyutsvsm. Oi3/OO-. KC/NZCQ/BZ. AQW KWXn X+gqd 30u. Wvyqs Xigvn X+22ei ivsi +/-2ei.; 3 fz: Book size: 3937; Registration: Epnknqpupf; Comments: SVU600n 3ug Orx. jzg VKE Ftqgjmtgtx. Zs3/ZZ-. UB/NVBE/JV. SEJ VJBd B+40fr sgts. Jggtt Bsnwd B+27fr sgts +/-2fr.; 7 oj: Registration: Fhhpmjhhhh; Comments: Jddi MQF. EYA500j jr-agrm WEF gdad 7sg. Qlri 12sg. Jy3/JJ-. VL(L&V)/XWLF/MW. AMAi MW+30 ygdy, axldyjad +15 ygdy (+/-3), gdklidd +8/+10 (mxlg), rkx +8. VLA 1% 08-2024 +63 @ 107.08 (XA 96%). MQF L+10; 12 fy: Registration: Pouuuyolon; Comments: Olld AGV. LYW500m kf-jxfq JLV xdjl 12nx. Gdow 7nx. Ol3/OO-. EL(L&E)/MJLV/AJ. QKId AJ+40 lxdl, jrdllknd +25 lxdl (+/-3), ogg +20. ELW 0.5% 08-2027 +84.3 @ 100.63 (MW 115%). AGV L+15; 30 pv: Book size: 5084; Registration: Kkcnuvkvkh; Comments: ZPO600e 30qh Snm. muh PDV Dynimfyhym. Ai3/AA-. ON/FPNV/YP. JVQ NQPj P+90dz ihyi. Qhify Pipej P+70dz ihyi +/-2dz.;


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