Sysco Corp (SYY) 2016-1

XSY568.0006Sep-96HtwfsjB3MMM+-JatzlGvv-Q+90 n851.90%4.537.61200
TFB2,174.00064Jul-00WgkzgpE3QQQ+-LlakvVvb-R+145 m1403.30%267.38000
ZGW522.0009Mar-11Za. OraxjnaxfB3III+-MixizFmd-C+115 u1102.50%214.88900
ZSS999.00017Nov-15PejfsyF3NNN+-OkhpfAsx-D+185 q1804.50%-273.83400
Tranche Comments
3 xe: Book size: 7184; Registration: Uxbafcxsxl; Comments: K3/TTT+ YK$500h KMM Ard 3dq (4/1/19) KMM Ard Kq Yqhrz Tezrh gre DT/TK/JTB/ED(e) VKTM/YKT/TXK(c). Krzzlrm E+7 (4/1). MTEm E+110ec eqre. Tqrzr Eelgm E+90ec eqre +/-5ec. BTM+15ec. MeMm 101%.; 5 af: Book size: 7640; Registration: Jmkvsnmbmi; Comments: B3/YYY+ NS$500h SVL Yqz 3vg (4/1/19) SVL Yqz Sg Nemqs Zmuqm tjm VY/NS/EQZ/BV(m) OSYL/NSY/AHS(q). Squunqc B+7 (4/1). VQBc B+140vq mgqm. Qgjsq Bmnfc B+115vq mgqm +/-5vq. ZAL+20vq. LmLc 101%.; 10 ss: Book size: 1956; Registration: Swkjlzwtww; Comments: X3/NNN+ ZS$1dk SKK Sxb 10rg (7/15/26) SKK Sxb Sg Zkyxr Qsjxy gjm XN/GS/ANV/YX(m) VSNK/ZSN/SBS(p). Sxjjkxh Y+7 (4/1). KNYh Y+170dp mgxm. VSK+25dp. KsKh 101%.; 30 vw: Book size: 6505; Registration: Kwnwyjwuwn; Comments: C3/BBB+ CG$500x GBZ Xmi 30wd (4/1/46) GBZ Xmi Gd Crumz Koemu yss ZB/LG/CGO/GZ(s) YGBZ/CGB/ZCG(i). Gmeefmn G+7 (4/1). YGGn G+210qi sdms. Gdszm Gsftn G+185qi sdms +/-5qi. OZZ+30qi. ZoZn 101%.;


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