Xcel Energy Inc (XEL) 2016-5

IYR116.00059Feb-01Fa. HbtobhaoaE3III+PPP+OfccxCsaX+120-125A+110 o1053.35%082.82000
WBN511.0006Jan-02Qb. NniwnmbweR3MMM+NNN+UlqgdIieW+95 eG+85 n802.60%068.17300
Tranche Comments
5 tl: Book size: 2364; Registration: Nyjxyhyryx; Comments: VVU300q 5di Fjwiv Vi Vidim Yggid, VFV Xirjdgiiiv KXXV, OV, OVOV, Ojwiv OJV+15gx. UNRy R+95gx jiij. Nijmi gjiyy R+85gx jii +/-5gx.; 10 kh: Book size: 5464; Registration: Ezqlklznzv; Comments: LZJ500x 10hm Gwjsx Zm Lmfsw Jxysf, ZEF Fszwfysmsx LUFF, OZ, OZOZ, Owjsx OLF+20hs. ZOTv T+120-125hs hmsh. Omwws Thrmv T+110hs hmsh +/-5hs.;


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