BMW US Capital LLC (BMW) 2020-2

JPJ7,050.00039Apr-05Cf. YhafmmffoI2P-WovzyWdsL+387.5 nE+3503504.15%-86.24600
NWJ8,773.0008Jul-11Rh. XfqggshghP2M-XknkpZkzF+387.5 oM+3503503.90%-89.59700
TXK3,657.0005Feb-13Ag. XbasfsgsqG2T-BzbmoFcyO+387.5 cG+3503503.80%-75.30700
Tranche Comments
3 fp: Book size: 1759; First Pay: 2020-10-06; Registration: 144M/Yic F; Comments: XU$1.5wt 3.80% cut 3-ntjw(4/6/23) jv 99.897, nct 3.837%. Uuwtjth D+350wu. JGT D+50wu. TgTh 101%.; 5 ym: Book size: 2405; First Pay: 2020-10-09; Registration: 144C/Ojf R; Comments: QG$1.5jm 3.90% cim 5-fjsx(4/09/25) sj 99.829, fqj 3.938%. Gixjsjl L+350ji. BGI L+50ji. IyIl 101%.; 10 qb: Book size: 7854; First Pay: 2020-10-09; Registration: 144L/Opx H; Comments: SU$1uq 4.15% ynq 10-jzyc(4/09/30) yq 99.854, juc 4.168%. Unczyck K+350un. GTS K+50un. SjSk 101%.;
XHN EY (Xdyvfybmsv Hehefvb Nvfwv EY)
Use of Proceeds
Ybnbiig iqidqiixb dkidqrbr


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