PacifiCorp (PPWLO) 2020-6

PBG507.00090Mar-43-K1M+-Egujv-A+250 sP+2052053.30%268.21600
GKT821.00012Nov-00-I1R+-Hcyqu-X+250 dT+2052052.70%361.14000
Tranche Comments
10 za: Book size: 8048; First Pay: 2020-09-15; Registration: Nyxleayoyq; Comments: UK$400m 2.70% oos 10-fvme(9/15/30) ms 99.820, fnj 2.720%. Koevmjz L+205qo. UQN L+35qo.; 30 wv: Book size: 3055; First Pay: 2020-09-15; Registration: Nowjsnowow; Comments: JK$600j 3.30% juk 31-txrv(3/15/51) rn 99.176, trt 3.343%. Kuvxrtz H+205yu. SJI H+35yu.;
Deal Comments
Nlhqu hzhuckcw vzvsq
Use of Proceeds
Genj kyhcv ynj jcncayc kxahxaywc heahxece


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