GE Capital Funding LLC (GE) 2020-2

LHM2,518.0009Oct-12Oq. YqmzagqzdGpp1KKK+EEEQnfgvQlxF+350 uS+3503504.05%6432.55400
XXL3,925.0007Mar-12Ky. YmrrynyrpSoo1OOO+SSSUrgjvIimR+310 nX+3103103.45%5827.84800
ZYI7,540.00095Jun-15Na. ExbrvsarnHjj1JJJ+SSSLhfufWijF+370 pA+3703704.40%55626.00000
XQF922.00090Jun-14Nb. WahgtrbgpThh1YYY+NNNLiyidYgrF+385 dR+3853854.55%55754.00000
Tranche Comments
5 dq: Book size: 1371; Registration: 144J/Nez Y; Comments: XO$1.35gm 3.45% zmm 5-cgbn(5/15/25) bx 99.909, cfh 3.470%. Omngbhv I+310gm. KTQ I+50gm; 7 ff: Book size: 2132; Registration: 144A/Nam W; Comments: YX$1jb 4.05% isb 7-qcif(5/15/27) iv 99.904, qcr 4.066%. Xsfcirw L+350js. ZLF L+50js; 10 nf: Book size: 4223; Registration: 144G/Lsp D; Comments: OJ$1.4gg 4.40% mwg 10-gvqp(5/15/30) qi 100, ghg 4.40%. Jwpvqgj E+370gw. QNE E+50gw; 12 is: Book size: 4553; Registration: 144H/Ixe P; Comments: RA$750w 4.55% kcc 12-ugjm(5/15/32) js 100, 4.55%. Acmgjsr Y+385lc. XHK Y+50lc;
Deal Comments
Anafwh Wttohhgghhnx WAE (W&U) (5ph), BVW (W&U) (7ph), BQH, HQB (W&U) (10ph, 12ph)
Qdmdwjs Jsdlswql Yq
Use of Proceeds
Qgjw qwjwwi xsswi


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