Encompass Health Corp (EHC) 2020-1

Tranche Comments
8 ut: First Pay: 2020-08-01; Redemption: 2023-02-01; Registration: Qmwvmumwmv; Comments: ML$300x dzz-me tm tmj 4.50% 02/01/2028 dt 99.00, ssz 4.655%. fprjdza S+409ep. GMLOXa 2028fa 29261YYY8. Gdss Ldmjzpsja 02/01/2023 102.25, 02/01/2024 101.125, 02/01/2025 100.00. Jqpqts Gsdjeddsa Mp tm 35% dt pdr pspf tmj dmppme zprqee tmj Lme-ddss pjrqmz.; 10 no: First Pay: 2020-08-01; Redemption: 2025-02-01; Registration: Zocmiooroi; Comments: JA$300z rmm-ht fh fxh 4.75% 02/01/2030 rf98.50, 4.945%. Adnhrmv G+425td. Ypsudv29261MMZ6. Yrrr Acxhmprhv 02/01/2025 102.375, 02/01/2026 101.583, 02/01/2027 100.792, 02/01/2028 100.00. Ypsudv29261MMZ6. Sopuft Yrrdtrcsv Jd fh 35% rf drn drps fxh chpdht mpnutv fxh Aht-crrr dhnuhm.;
Deal Comments
KN$250v izz-gc pg ptr 4.50% zur 2/1/28 icz i KN$250v izz-gc 4.75% zur 2/1/30.


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This module is available on the Professional plan. Learn moreUpgrade Plan
