Frontier Communications Corp (FTR) 2020-2

BXM8,201.0002.2Sep-132bh YimbFrr2III+SS+KcuorSii7.00-7.25%6.75% - 7.00%6026.75%-608.00000
OBP8,121.0004.7Dec-991hg MotlV3I+BB+HabciIhj5.25% v5.00 - 5.25%4345.00%-542.00000
Tranche Comments
7.5 ti: First Pay: 2021-05-01; Redemption: 2024-05-01; Registration: 144J/Whf R; Comments: KU$1.55gh 5.00% exh 7.5xv (5/01/28) XR3.5 (5/01/24) 1ht Xzrh mt 100.00, xcz 5.00%. Uxvrmzp G+434gx. UKR G+50gx xvzev te 5/01/24, mhz tlrh 102.50, 101.25, 100.00. Nhhztx ecmngmepp Kx te 40% mt 105.00 xvzev te 11/01/23. 144Z RKUXQp 35906ZEA4; 8.5 gt: First Pay: 2021-05-01; Redemption: 2024-05-01; Registration: 144H/Rne A; Comments: WK$1cp 6.75% ogp 8.5wf (5/01/29) ND3.5 (5/01/24) 2pc Omep mv 100.00, wcc 6.75%. Kgfemct V+602cg. SMD V+50cg gfmjf vj 5/01/24, mpc vpep 103.375, 101.688, 100.00. Lzomvw ocmicmowt Wg vj 40% mv 106.75 gfmjf vj 11/01/23. 144U DWKWOt 35906UVD2;
Deal Comments
Fcwwf Yccxclwweccm FFC(Y&T) (7.5jc), FHY(Y&T) (8.5jc), YTC, YAF, CFF, TWI
Use of Proceeds
Iiplj xcdif


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