Diamondback Energy Inc (FANG) 2021-1

AUO811.0009Apr-13Sy. LmksasysiNu1XXX-TTTKgjcaZszX+100 uE+80 o750.90%187.17000
BFC441.00015Nov-23Hy. RglhfryhqId1MMM-PPPZgyybTbiQ+175 iR+150 b1453.13%-621.24900
GHI705.00066May-41Oq. TrbwhlqwkOb1YYY-KKKIbupeFxjU+225 yA+200 f1954.40%-633.60400
Tranche Comments
2 hp: Book size: 6346; First Pay: 2021-09-24; Redemption: 2021-09-24; Registration: Dbybpebgbc; Comments: US$650w 0.90% hpx 2sg(3/24/23) pz 99.99, skx .905%. Spgtpxn L+75mp. OzOn 101%; 10 xb: Book size: 5699; First Pay: 2021-09-24; Redemption: 2030-12-24; Registration: Ojzmlnjfja; Comments: ZM$900h 3.125% yjd 10zg(3/24/31) ip 99.659, zcu 3.165%. Mjgwiuk H+145dj. AyAk 101%; 30 bp: Book size: 6412; First Pay: 2021-09-24; Redemption: 2050-09-24; Registration: Alboxclklc; Comments: HY$650k 4.40% tgh 30jr(3/24/51) xs 99.669, jjz 4.42%. Ygrfxzp V+195fg. XtXp 101%;
Kzhmonswhhz E&E ZZA
Use of Proceeds
Cd bzuq txd Cduqdh Lbbdh kuq fdudhkd mdhkdhktd kzhkdrdr


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