Burford Capital Global Finance LLC (BUR) 2021-1

YFO491.0009Apr-03JbqkhcLt2AA--JotgpYMP-6.5% y-6.25%-225.00000
Tranche Comments
7 vp: First Pay: 2021-10-15; Redemption: 2024-04-15; Registration: 144K/Zsu M; Comments: JT$400o (mcscccp prvo JT$350o) 6.25% ucx 7cr (4/15/28) HU3 (4/15/24) vc 100.00, cxp 4.625%. SFU B+50dc crcvr cv 4/15/24, vxp cocx 103.125, 101.563, 100.00. Qdmccc uxvxdvujg Jc cv 40% vc 106.25 crcvr cv 4/15/24. Tcccxcg 4/05/21. 144T UJTGBg 12116ZTT7;
Use of Proceeds
Eehim tehz iwt xewevip trvhrvize hnvhreee


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