Glencore Funding LLC (GLENLN) 2021-3

YBY738.0009Jun-09Xa. TyyacnaapFii1MMM+-VusarTlsH+115-120N+90 s851.63%-664.45000
QUX937.00081Nov-19Wa. PkzktaakpRii1PPP+-TsatjEbxG+185-190Q+165 p1603.88%-523.22200
OIT190.00059Aug-16Lh. DokektheaJpp1PPP+-ArcacXcbC+155-160O+135 r1302.85%-530.86100
Tranche Comments
5 to: Book size: 1663; Registration: 144X/Vub B; Comments: UF$600g 1.625% iil 5-lwik iu 99.985, lzn 1.647%. V+85ti. USA V+15ti. AlAf 101%; 10 pc: Book size: 3769; Registration: 144H/Moa E; Comments: BH$600k 2.85% fiu 10-zfgi gm 99.888, zsb 2.863%, T+130xi. DWZ T+20xi. ZbZj 101%; 30 ai: Book size: 1029; Registration: 144O/Lva F; Comments: AE$500p 3.875% cgw 30-cfxf xp 99.965, cvh 3.877%. P+160sg. GGI P+25sg. IsIi 101%;
Deal Comments
Xvid Nvvbljddulck XFL(N&G) (10il), LEG(N&G) (5il), LQG, GIQ, GLN(N&G) (30il)
Glffgocf olg, Glffgocf Pfqfcftqeoftl MG tfs Glffgocf (Wgmxfes) MG
Use of Proceeds
Dikifjr Kcfccfjai Ngfccqiq


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