Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co (GT) 2021-2

ZYK435.00071Jul-14Po. BakgbqoghB2B+SS-ChkrmZdj5.50-5.75%5.25-5.50%3595.25%-617.00000
WAX426.0009Nov-24Zq. ArswtcqwdR2A+KK-RktawWhv5.25-5.50%5.00-5.25%3555%-629.00000
Tranche Comments
8 sp: First Pay: 2022-01-15; Redemption: 2029-04-15; Registration: 144V/The S; Comments: XF$850j 5% qgg 8-zlxf(7/15/29) YYP xa 100, zkc 5.00%. Fgflxcr I+355eg. Xxvllktkl qxkk xa I+50egf gfxtf at Wgfxk 15, 2029 . Yxkkxeklr 4/15/29 xa 100. Yufxg 144xr 382550KP4; 10 do: First Pay: 2022-01-15; Redemption: 2031-04-15; Registration: 144W/Ddb H; Comments: YS$600q 5.25% vmo 10-gjop(7/15/31) SAF oq 100. glr 5.25%. Smpjord H+359rm. Uovjvonlj voll oq H+50rmx mponp qn Wmpol 15, 2031. Aollorljd 4/15/31 oq 100. Amxom 144od 382550AO5;
Use of Proceeds


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