Blackstone Secured Lending Fund (BXSL) 2021-3

ANH380.0005Jun-11Bk. AwqxvkkxxNcc3-AAA-UmhenYip J+190 wX+170 f1682.13%163.90400
Tranche Comments
5 im: Book size: 1866; First Pay: 2022-02-15; Redemption: 2027-02-15; Registration: 144C/Afl U; Comments: ZR$650q(wvqvqkq quuq ZR$400q) 2.125% evr 5eu (2/15/27) jn 98.797, euq 2.357%. S+168bv. NFG S+30bv. GuGm100%;
Deal Comments
Xrxylt Aoopcrootcsf CPC(A&Z), XVC, CMA, MDV. Jfssylt Aoopcrootcsf MCC, APD, ACC, AXM, AXJ, ZAD, CXM, HJM, MJC, CAC, CAM, CMX
Use of Proceeds
Whkge whix gww emx xyh thwhxgh amxkmxgxh kgxkmxhx


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