Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd (APSEZ) (APSEZ) 2021-3

YCL205.00037Nov-09Pb. SwljyrbjnBff3LLL-NNN-JotiiUQS5.25% c5.00%-5.00%0542.00000
NKU364.00084.9May-13Ob. XhlnmjbnyDyy3CCC-EEE-RmrcrEglV+280 yG+2552553.83%0664.00000
Tranche Comments
10.5 hu: Registration: 144J/Anc P; Comments: OF$300o 3.828% wci 10.5kz (2/02/32) rm 100.00, kzi 3.838%. J+255bc; 20 pl: Book size: 2125; Registration: 144C/Pws T; Comments: KH$450w 5.00% vmm 20cs (8/02/41) gs 100.00, cfl 5.00%. V+315.3am;
Use of Proceeds
Sfwpm ifpy pvi efvfapy yxawxapyf wrawxefe


Upgrade Plan

Deal Flow 

Upgrade Plan