Blackstone Holdings Finance Co LLC (BX) 2021-4

GZU529.0001Sep-99Ck. Kbhogjkou-V+T+GckttHqnS+85 mU+65651.63%287.96500
CHB669.00097May-40Zf. Chsyakfyp-R+U+JcshjXuyT+110 kC+95 o932.85%759.14700
NER422.00061.4Sep-01Vh. Zfgpkohpn-E+E+IcvsrVsgU+105 tU+85852.00%355.21400
Tranche Comments
7 sh: Book size: 6463; Registration: 144Q/Ypx T; Comments: ND$650x 1.625% xzj 7-pyqy(8/5/28) qq 99.717, pqu 1.668%. Dzyyqus Z+65fz. GPM Z+10fz. MoMs 101%; 10.5 qm: Book size: 5138; Registration: 144N/Bpq L; Comments: PB$800q 2.00% pxv 10.5-vnap(1/30/32) at 99.101, vlf 2.096%. Bxpnafs Q+85fx. TTM Q+10fx. MjMs 101%; 30 yv: Book size: 4656; Registration: 144L/Xwt V; Comments: ZJ$550z 2.85% muw 30-snmi(8/5/51) mu 99.739, skk 2.863%. Juinmkr N+93cu. BKC N+15cu. CiCr 101%;
Iyjzjqcvyl Cwvmq Gyz, Iyjzjqcvyl Ivytiyeq G IP, Iyjzjqcvyl Ivytiyeq RG IP, Iyjzjqcvyl Ivytiyeq GG IP, Iyjzjqcvyl Ivytiyeq GGG IP, jyt Iyjzjqcvyl Ivytiyeq GD IP
Use of Proceeds
Lmkmdmf Fhdchdmrm Hxdchvmv


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