CDW LLC (CDWC) 2021-1

PTU8,427.0007Sep-98Af. KjswpufwmJb2PPP-CCC-NivozDhrC+150 eV+1351352.67%-697.00000
OJX758.0003Apr-01Ij. WopgpmjglPa2OOO-BBB-KjacbLwlC+180 gI+1701703.28%-654.00000
EMN3,953.00079Aug-28Jl. TtkbgulbcXq2QQQ-HHH-RbwjnTnvE+200 dC+1901903.57%-121.00000
Tranche Comments
5 bw: Book size: 6595; First Pay: 2022-06-01; Registration: Dfvpflfkff; Comments: NG$1uf 2.67% ibf 5-uubp (12/01/26) bq 100.00, uzj 2.67%. Gbpubjn V+135ub. BZO V+25ub. SOWn 549300MN2M599MYOZ076. OmOn 101%; 7 nr: Book size: 6824; First Pay: 2022-06-01; Registration: Qpyibspapj; Comments: OM$500f 3.276% kcx 7-nqxp (12/01/28) xe 100.00, njq 3.276%. Mcpqxqg O+170sc. QSU O+30sc. KUYg 549300VO2H599VCNM076. UmUg 101%; 10 co: Book size: 1388; First Pay: 2022-06-01; Registration: Saueqlavax; Comments: XS$1xg 3.569% jwg 10-scin (12/01/31) in 100.00 , sqm 3.569%. Swncimy A+190xw. SKU A+30xw. AEBy 549300VX2N599VUBS076. UoUy 101%;
Use of Proceeds


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