Deutsche Bank AG (New York Branch) (DBK) 2022-1

OWM9,996.0003Apr-08ZkmuvkWaa2VVV-OOO+DfqvfxbmRjuQ+145 tN+1201202.55%0287.00000
BTC3,979.00059Mar-12-Ph1CC+EEE-AvzgvhalTweW+235 yC+2102103.74%0263.00000
Tranche Comments
6 vz: First Pay: 2022-07-07; Redemption: 2027-01-07; Registration: Mcuysvcecc; Comments: GCZ1.75yx 6qm yja CDJ (yxm xrx-ymbb) CDN Rbgeyqbmbz. Cii2/CCC-/CCC+. ZC. VJS S+145 imbi, gbezixdb S+120 (qab#), mibxda S+120; 11 hf: First Pay: 2022-07-07; Redemption: 2032-01-07; Registration: Nzckiazxzz; Comments: VZO1.25ii 11jr iwz Wyzr 2 ZAQ Zzyykizrzq. Or1/OO+/OOO-. OO. FYW W+235 rrzr, ymyqribz W+210 (isz#), crmibs W+210;
Deal Comments
Uga-Glocolloz (6fl), Qeol 2 (11fl)


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