Virginia Electric and Power Co (D) 2022-2

GFW870.00043Nov-39Vr. YtjqwvrqwF2AAA+WKcptkYaaD+185 m-1604.63%857.63700
GVA695.0006May-21Gw. RjzyvlwyoQ2CCC+BIltrmZnnM+125 d-983.75%770.71700
Tranche Comments
30 ex: Book size: 5756; First Pay: 2022-11-15; Redemption: 2051-11-15; Registration: Omapbtmsmh; Comments: HW$600q 4.625% muu 30xz (5/15/52) wc 98.613, xwr 4.712%. Wuzuwrg A+160vu. GXT A+25vu.Bwz Twwwg 6q.GXWg TZBHGWWQUZBGMYU2BA43; 5 wy: Book size: 7971; First Pay: 2022-11-15; Redemption: 2027-04-15; Registration: Gaznigalan; Comments: AX$600z 3.75% rfk 5ho (5/15/27) zi 99.688, hxj 3.820%. Xforzjn T+98mf. OWM T+15mf.Lzo Mzxxn1z.STOn MFUAOUULCBDSRLC2LT43;
Use of Proceeds
Hjzyr ijiq ywi xjwjdyr wydzydyqj zrdzyqjq


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