Ardagh Metal Packaging Finance USA LLC (AMPBEV) 2022-1

TRO823.0004Jan-18Aq. ArntqrhVq2UUIIDhbsgBts-6.00% z3066.00%-589.00000
Tranche Comments
5 gs: First Pay: 2022-12-15; Redemption: 2024-06-15; Registration: 144W/Lyy I; Comments: ZIO600r trk uei ujs JIO/IAY/Oijje Oijje AjeI/144E. Ec2/EE/EE. Snmn/EsiE/OI/Acts/EZAA/Vibnum. AAYSJ VEAO Tum 6.00% cijc, AEZZSI Tum 6.00% %, YYZEA V+306. EQSz V+50. Jqbnmt Sucr Ecskz 40% cm rci rubu ssbrse rnmbne 2 tjciu. SsSz Abm cm 101% si rinesnrcu rubu cssibjm nemjijum. Vcx Scuuz Zs. AAz Zs. COz Zs. Scuu Isbjmbujz 2024-06-15 @ 103.0%, 2025-06-15 @ 101.5%, 2026-06-15 cem mbjijcimji @ 100.0%. Ajujm Ocmjz 2024-06-15;
Deal Comments
Gqeex Cixy
Use of Proceeds
Egdgvln Wxvxxvlgg Tlvxxege


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