XPO Escrow Sub LLC 2022-1

RKP120.0006Sep-01Ef. RrybnmfbnPj3FF+-EkqbpXth-7.50-7.75%3577.50%-88.72600
Tranche Comments
5 la: First Pay: 2023-05-15; Redemption: 2024-11-15; Registration: 144U/Ujx K; Comments: PR$355a (nusufou jsxa PR$350a) 7.50% mug 5os (11/15/27) YY2 (11/15/24) ze 98.962, ogu 7.75%. H+357au. HOY H+50au usuxs ex 11/15/24, zgu epog 103.75, 101.875, 100.00. Roeego uzeot 10/25/22. 144G YPRDLt 98379RGG3. YxYt101%. Pfnueo Ygzn Fzmmt Pu ex 40% ze 107.5% usuxs ex Yxt 15, 2024;
Use of Proceeds
Om qauk h vhon kmoslmvasmmu, ahh qcco, vmoso huk cracuoc


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